Does Ukraine Have A Crush?

364 4 11

UN: Ukraine!
Ukraine: Me again?
UN: Yep! Want to answer another question?
Ukraine: OK! What is it?
UN: Do you have a crush on anyone?
Ukraine: N-Not right now, but I've been a bit... 'busy' for romantic stuff...
UN: Alright... Have you ever had one?
Ukraine: Yes, I think so... I kinda liked Canada when I first became a nation, but I think that's just because he was kind and had a nice accent, so we're just friends... And I liked Poland, but he always seemed to want to be around Hungary... He's the closest thing to a 'crush' I have right now... *blushes*
UN: But... I asked Poland this question a while ago...
Ukraine: You did?!
UN: *Laughs and flutters his wings in excitement* POLAND LIKED YOU!
Ukraine: R-Really?
UN: Are you going to ask him out?!
Ukraine: Maybe at some point, but not now... I have 'bigger issues' to address first, let's say...
UN: Okkkk- Bye! *winks*
Ukraine: ...Bye?

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