Russia's Crush

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UN: Your turn, Russia!
Russia: Fine. What is it?
UN: Who's your crush?
Russia: What?! I don't-
Belarus: Russia... Tell the truth, brother...
Russia: I-I don't know what you're talking about, Bela!
Belarus: Fine. I will, then. His problem is, he has two-
Russia: SHUT UP!
Belarus: -and both are against his policies, and one of them hates him.
Russia: BELARUS! One more word and I'll-
Kazakhstan: It's China and America.
USA: *spits out pepsi*
China: *falls off of chair*
Belarus and Kazakhstan: *die laughing*

Russia left after that... It's been a week and nobody has seen him. Belarus said not to worry, though.
-United Nations

[OK, I don't actually ship Russia with either of them, just to make it clear. This is basically just satire, lol.

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