Chapter 2 Training

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Eve Pov:

"So mom what is it? What is it?"

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't overreact Eve." She scolded.

"B-but everytimeyoucallmelikethisthereissomethingspecial."

"Take a deep breath and then we can start." I stood straight and took a few deep breaths to steady me. "Good girl. I have indeed something for you. Here this is a tanto. It is not sharpened so that you can train with it. When you are grown up I will have a sword for you. But until then you will train with this." She said and handed me a tanto. The weird part tough is that both sides were sharpened, while not being sharp at all. In other words both sides were meant to cut when the sword was sharpened.

I seemed to have been lost in thought since mom started chuckling. "Are you going to stand there all day or are you going to train with your mother? We could of course also just stand there the whole day if you'd like."

I blushed in embarrassment and stood straight taking my blade into both hands. "I am ready."

"Oh no my little grasshopper you will not spar with me. First you will learn the kata for the kenjutsu style feared in the elemental nations. But this will be much more difficult then the taijutsu training. Are you still willing to continue?"

"Yes mother. I will make you proud." I said with conviction.

Few months time skip

'Block, block dodge, jump back and block.'

If you are asking yourself what I am currently doing then it is easy. Since mom decided my training was going smoothly she made it more difficult. Now with about five and a half years of age I am learning the tree walking exercise or more like I must learn it to enlarge my chakra reserves. And then mom thought it would be a good decision to add resistant seals on my body. Five at that. One for each limb and then my torso. And it is so hard to fight with them on. I feel so slow even tough I know I am faster and stronger. But now mom decided I should learn how to parry projectiles with my sword, which was important, yes I agree but it should not be trained by a five year old.

Oh sh*t I was distracted. Three kunai and one shuriken were only moments away from hitting me due to my ranting. I tried to divert them but I knew I couldn't do that. I tried but it was too hard. I couldn't in the short amount of time calculate the trajectory of the projectiles and evade or parry them.

Suddenly my vision got better and I somehow could understand where I had to slice to block every last of them.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang." I parried every last one of them but was strangely exhausted and fell over into unconsciousness.

When I opened my eyes I realised I was inside the house in my bed. Groggily I sat up and looked around. Everything seemed fine. "What happened?"

"You fell over and blacked out due to chakra exhaustion." The voice of my mother came from the door.

"But why?" I asked innocently while cocking my head to the side.

"Listen Eve what I am about to tell you might sound strange and you might even not understand what I am telling you but just listen until the end. Are you with me?" I nodded but was not too sure I wanted to hear what she would be telling me.

"First I want to tell you something. I am your mother in every sense of the word. I love you like you are my own daughter which you are to some extend."

"Mom you are worrying me."

"You don't have to be worried, just listen. You see a few years back I was captured by some ninja. At first I thought I was safe since they were from Konoha but then I realised I wasn't safe at all. I was brought before a man that is called Orochimaru, he is one of the three Sanin but not a good person. He wanted me to create new Uzumaki since our clan is powerful and even now feared through the elemental nations. So he tried to create more of me."

"And I am one of those "you" that he created?"

"No Eve. He didn't just create little versions of me but he wanted more. Since we Uzumaki heal faster he thought he could combine my blood with blood of others. I don't know what blood you have but it is not just Uzumaki blood. During the training you activated your bloodline but not one of the Uzumaki clan but the bloodline of the Uchiha clan." She explained.

"Uchiha, Uchiha. Ah you mean, I have, I have the sharingan. That is so cool now I can see all attacks and copy every technique." I boasted. But then I got hit on the head by my mother. "Ow what was that for?"

"Don't start with that. I warn you. I have seen enough comrades die because they overspecialise and rely on a special ability. So promise me to only train with it and use it when absolutely necessary." Mom made me promise.

"Yes mom. I promise. Do, do I have more family?"

"I am sure there are more Uzumaki in the elemental nations-."

"That wasn't what I meant. Do I have more siblings? Did you leave them? I-I thought the Uzumaki's vow was that family always comes first."

At that mom got sad. I thought she might get angry but not sad. "N-no I-I didn't leave them behind. You see they all died. Orochimaru made me burry all of you. Even you. You see everyone thought you had died but then when I was about to burry you, you started to cry and I decided to flee. No I didn't leave your siblings behind. They didn't make it."

'So I should be dead. Could it be that I revived this body by possessing it? That is plausible.' "So I have you and maybe more of our clan somewhere out there. Then I will find them and help them when I am older."

"Sure you will. But remember to keep your powers a secret. If the Uchiha from Konoha would find out about you they would try to capture you. So watch out for yourselves." She told me with the tone that she used when I was not allowed to say anything against it no matter what.

I nodded and sat down. "Good then I will be downstairs. When you feel ready I will be there waiting for you. But don't get up if you think you aren't rested enough."

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