Chapter 15 Finals Part 1

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Eve Pov:

So here we are. And the first match should start any moment. Luckily I was able to put up privacy seals so that the Hokage couldn't look at our training through his crystal ball. Well if he wants to play how to be a witch he is on a good way. He has a similar hat, looks old and even has a crystal ball. He only needs to switch out his staff for a wand and Enma for Tora.

But back to the others. Naruto has learned about his godfather and is not on the best terms with him. He trains with him but that is about it. He came several times during the last three weeks just to talk and hang out. We told him about our training and some abilities. We also explained him of how to awaken his chakra chains but also told him that it might take a while. I then warned him not to take the chakra of the nine tails forcefully.

I explained it to him that the nine tails is just a misunderstood force of nature, forced to fight for one maniac, then being caged, caged again, freed just to be controlled and then caged once more. So he would of course be grumpy. I just tried to help him work with the nine tails and not force him. And under no circumstance use the chakra before he can use the chakra chains freely. After about three thousand days worth of training he can use the basic red chakra chains. And yes the first stage of the chakra chains are red, when mastered it is yellow golden and if the person has more genes of Hagoromo Otsotsuki then the colours go more towards violet. So Naruto and Tayuya can use the red chakra chains, Karin the yellow ones and Eve can use light blue chakra chains. If she had Senju DNA instead of Uchiha DNA she would be able to utilise the green chakra chains. (In my mind Uchiha equals 50% of Hagaromo, Uzumaki 30% and Senju 20% Why Uzumaki more. Because they stayed on an island isolated from other therefore inbreeding was most likely a thing.)

But now we are waiting on Sasuke. "Will he be disqualified?"

"Nah. Most likely not. Many people came just to look for him. They would be dissatisfied." Said Shikamaru.

"Yeah, you are most likely right. How is your friend by the way? Did he recover?"

"Thanks for the question. I will tell him you asked. And yes he is much better. Still on bedrest for another week but out of the hospital." Shikamaru said clearly relieved his friend was okay.

"Good to hear. And don't worry Tayuya has made great progress and even learned an A-rank technique just to teach him a lesson." He raised an eyebrow but I shook my head. "You will see later.

"Since Sasuke Uchiha is not present it was decided that we will start of with the match of Shina Aburame against Tayuya Uzumaki." Genma announced.

The two went to the arena and stood opposite each other. The match began and several hundred insects flew towards Tayuya but she just smirked and threw a scroll on the floor. Everyone looked perplexed except those who were there when planning this strategy. "Release." She shouted and a cloud of gas appeared out of the seal. "Don't worry it is not toxic for us, but insects do not like the smell of this gas. They slowly get ill and potentially die." She explained.

"You planned for our encounter, this was only logical. I thought your genjutsu wouldn't work on my insects so I didn't expect this. Procter I yield. If I fight on most of my hive will die or be unusable for the coming fights. Therefore I couldn't win the upcoming fights either way. It is illogical to continue."

"Winner by forfeit Tayuya Uzumaki. Gaara of the sand and Sakura Haruno, please come down to the arena."

"Procter I forfeit. I know that I am not ready to fight someone of the calibre of Gaara."

"Sigh, Winner by forfeit Gaara of the sand. Now-" But then Sasuke and Kakashi arrived.

"We aren't late are we?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes you are. And it has already been marked down. You are allowed to take the exams Sasuke Uchiha but you will not be receiving a promotion since showing respect and following orders is required of a chunin." Genma explained. This made Sasuke glare at Kakashi with the deepest hatred he held in his heart. "Sasuke Uchiha vs Kankuro of the sand."

"I forfeit." Said Kankuro. Sasuke smirked at him thinking that he quit because he was facing an Uchiha an elite.

"Eve Uzumaki and Neji Hyuga please come to the arena."

When both Neji and I arrived downstairs he started talking about fate and how he the almighty Hyuga will win either way since fate has decreed it and blah, blah, blah.

"Have you finished your monologue?"

"You dare. I will show you where your place is peasant." He said and rushed at me.

He thrusted with the right hand towards my shoulder to block the chakra pathways and make it useless. When I blocked he tried again and again at all kind of places and slowly but surely I was drawing him in and then I struck.

My hand half-heartedly curled into a fist I started using the taijutsu style only used by one other person ever. Some seemed to realise that and gasped.

"H-how are you doing this? How are you using the Hyuga's fighting style without the byakugan?" Neji asked perplexed.

"I am not." I smirked. "I am using the hummingbird style or at least my interpretation of it. You see I love gathering information about powerful ninja and integrating their fighting style into my arsenal. So I researched about your fourth Hokage and started to recreate his taijutsu style. It does not block your chakra pathways but your muscles contract and can't stretch anymore. It is difficult but deadly."

It seems that this was the last straw and he snapped. "I am destined to win this match. I will-"

"There is no such thing as destiny. There is only what you intend to do with your limited options. You can't do everything, yes that is true but you can become a lot more then you are right now. And if you don't snap out of your delusions you will die early. Fight for what you want and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And don't think you are untouchable."

"Katen." He shouted and a dome of chakra formed around him.

"So this is the said perfect defence of the Hyuga, but I see several weaknesses. What if I would use a fire tornado around you? You would kook alive. What if I could use earth jutsu and create earth spikes inside the unmoving dome? What if you are on water and I would use a water jutsu? What if you are near a cliff and just thrown down with the cliff? But I will use this. Summoning jutsu." For some time nothing happened until Neji began to scream in pain. "Proctor it is over. Take him away and give him this. It is the antidote for the poison."

"Ah medics fast. Winner Eve Uzumaki. Medics."

After the medics took Naji away I went back upstairs. "Why wasn't I allowed to play with him?" Angel asked.

"Because you are our ace. You will always be able to surprise them. Plus you weren't there for our brainstorming."

"Well you see there was this nice cat. Her name is Tora. And she is always hunted by those young ninja. So I decided to help her." She explained.

"And how exactly?"

"You see I taught her how to walk on vertical surfaces and on water, I also taught her basic genjutsu and how to spew fire. She liked it very much." She said proudly. At her words the genin near to us started to shiver in fear at an even more dangerous Tora or send Angel death glares. 

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