Chapter 27 Revolution

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Naruto Pov:

After I slept last night as good as I haven't slept in months I was ready. Butit was still hard. No matter how I acted it seems that everyone was against me. My friends started to accept me. Meaning Ino, Shikamaru, Shino, Choji, Hinata, Sai, Kakashi, the Konohamaru corps, Lee, Guy, Tenten and Neji. Some from other villages like Temri, Gaara and Kankuro. But not many more accept me as me. Hinata even started to act strangely, I understand what she was doing since I underwent seduction training, manly to stop them from happening to me. I also started hanging around the older chunin and jounin, like Iruka, Genma, Kotetsu, Hayate, Izumo, Anko and so on, but there were still people who didn't like me or didn't trust me. Kurenai and therefore Azuma didn't trust me because Kurenai's father was killed by the nine tails and Azuma was following her example. Sakura still faults me that Sasuke got away and Kiba has a crush on Hinata and therefore has some kind of problem with me.

But now the siege is important. Just after Kakashi sensei used his Raikiri and blew the doors of their hinges I used my new jutsu. "Sealing technique: Barrier seal." I shouted and a seal was casted from the metal arm protecter I had on. A light blue translucent barrier formed and caught any enemy projectiles. The barrier held but I knew that it wouldn't hold forever. And therefore we charged further.

Once inside the castle we made our way to where princess Koyuki most likely was held. But before we even made it past the first corner the guards attacked.


"Wind style: Drilling air bullets."

"Wind style: Vacuum palm."

"Body expansion jutsu."

"Bug shuriken."

Th five attacks were sent at the guards and either knocked them down or ended their existence. But sadly for our heroes the enemies only got more in numbers. No matter what they did the guards seemed to pour out of every hallway, door and even windows. They came from everywhere.

But that did not stop them. The thing that stopped them was their slowly depleting chakra reserves. None of them, except Naruto could keep going like this. They knew that when they would run out of chakra, well then it would all be over.

And then the ones with chakra armour arrived, forcing Naruto to use the chakra disturbance seal. This caused the attackers to stumble or to fall down from four meters without the use of chakra and with the additional weight of the armour.

They fell to the ground and started screaming in pain since their legs were crushed under their weight. The ones who were just attacking tough stumbled right into the kunai, trench knifes or katana of the leaf nin.

All in all the fight just changed from mid- or ling distance to close distance fighting. The problem with that is that even if the leaf ninja knew it would happen they are not able to fight like this indefinitely.

"That was the last one." Shouted Kakashi. Naruto nodded and deactivated the seal, giving everyone back control over their chakra.

Now that all of the armour wearing enemies were dealt with they could use chakra without much problem. Soon after the numbers began to drop and now there are only about four guards left. "Where is princess Koyuki?!" Naruto demanded. First they kept silent but after a little convincing by Kakashi's sharingan they sang like birds.

And with that the shinobi ran outside towards the mountain.

With Doto and Koyuki:

Eve Pov:

Koyuki was bound and dragged by Doto to a cave inside the mountain. At first Koyuki didn't think much about it, but then started to understand what she was brought here for.

"So you understand. I know that you don't have the key but one of your loyal dogs has it and when they come here I will be ready and take the key from them." Doto said with confidence.

"They will defeat you." Koyuki said.

"No they won't. This new chakra armour can't be destroyed. It can absorb gigantic amounts of chakra and can use all kinds of jutsu. I will-" He didn't finish as a squelch sound permeated through the cave. "Cough, cough, cough. Wh-what?" Was the last thing Doto would ever utter.

His eyes closed and he fell to the ground, lifeless. A red fluid was flowing out of his throat where he was obviously stabbed. Behind him are two individuals clad in white. "Princess Koyuki we are here to save you. Please come with us, we will escort you back to the castle."

At that she took a step back and prepared to run. "Don't worry your highness. The shinobi of the leaf already took care of Doto's forces while we came to save you."

"Who are you? And why did you save me?" She asked.

"Have you ever heard of the red devils? The best assassins in the elemental nations? We are those. As for why? Well we hate tyrants so we intended to kill Doto. But since you were here we also decided to save you."

"But you are not-" She began.

"We don't need to be hired. We care about humanity and want a home. Would you allow us to live in this country once you take over as the daimyo?"

"I, eh, yes of course. But first we need to destroy this doomsday machine." Koyuki nearly demanded.

"That wouldn't be a wise decision." She wanted to protest but I held up a hand. "Would your father have created a doomsday machine or a device that could aid your country?"

"Then what is it?" She shouted.

"We don't know. But we doubt it is dangerous. If I had to guess then it would be something against the most flawed characteristic of this land. The cold. But now please let us guide you back. It is time for the rightful heir to take the throne."

The three waled down. From the castle it looks like Koyuki was on her own since the black turned white clothes were nearly invisible in front of the snow.

When they arrived back in the castle they started to clear up everything. The loyal ninja and guards as well as citizens of her father were informed and helped in the act.

A week later the coronation was held and the Uzumaki clan was officially welcomed in the now new Spring country.

Yes the device was some kind of heater that magically raised the temperature equally over the entire country. (Instead of heating one place to enormous temperatures and heating everything that is further away less and less. But who am I to judge.)

Konoha got an ally and Haku was send back to Kiri without anything. 

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