Chapter 30 Naruto's dilemma

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Eve Pov:

It has been five months since Fu was saved from a certain death. Karin even forced Fu to bite her which hasn't happened in like forever. Yes she is safe and alive. She even is able to walk, which is surprising but if she truly has Uzumaki genes then it is plausible. As for the other things, well she can still use her powers as a jinchuriki, like a bloodline. Must be because they had a strong bond like Gaara and Shukaku. They fought side by side and the seven tails must have given her some kind of present.

She can walk and even started to train three months ago. Now even stronger then before, with the help of shadow clones and good teachers that actually want to train her she is at the level of a jounin. Not yet at where we wanted her to be but she is at least low A-rank in my opinion.

Surprisingly she has a wind affinity like me and a earth affinity like Karin. We taught her a tajutsu style based on speed and trained her in everything we knew and she had interest in. And now Fu Uzumaki was a part of our family. I also tailored a suit for her just like I did for the others. Her's tough was made with two holes in the back for her wings to be pushed through.

We also told her to do the reverse summoning and she now has the butterfly contract with the boss being a giant moth, by the name of Mothra.

She hasn't learned much about her new clan of the butterflies but she learned about the Uzumaki clan and she was a light in our days.

But it seems she would need to be another light for a broken member of our clan. Naruto Uzumaki just arrived and he seemed broken.

We all sat down and waited for him to explain, and explain he did. He told us about Jiraya's death, about the distruction of Konoha and about his meeting with his parents.

Flashback when the Kyubi took over:

Naruto Pov:

I knew what was happening and what was going on but I didn't understand why I was here. "Hey nine tails why am I here?" I shouted but it wasn't him who answered.

"We brought you here." A male voice said.

I looked back and there stood Minato. The fourth Hokage, the person who should have raised me and Kushina the person who died helping him seal the nine tails inside me. "And for what reason?"

"For you to help seal the demon away once more and take his chakra." Kushina said.

"And why should I?"

"You were chosen to do exactly that. You will be the saviour the protector of Konoha. Their hero." Minato said.

"I have no intention to save Konoha. I only fight for them because there are a few people who are predacious to me. Not for the mindless demons who call themselves humans. I will not protect those who treat me like what they truly are."

"Don't you dare call the citizens of Konoha that. They are good people." Mianto protested.

"Yes Naruto listen to your father." Kushina agreed.

"So the ones who treated you like an outsider are good people? Yes I know of that. Also who beats a child just for the fun of it? What would make those people humans? Tell me Minato."

"They were just confuse. You would just have to endure it, take their fear and hate and raise above it. You are better then them. You were meant to protect them. After you prove yourself to them they would see you as the hero." He said with conviction and Kushina seemed to agree. I then shot them back with a lot of Kyubi's chakra and exited my mindscape.

Flashback end:

Eve Pov:

"That is what happened. The villagers then saw me as a hero. They praised me but I ignored them and went to clear up my houses. I contacted Tazuna and he agreed to help us. After everything was rebuild I came here. I, I don't know what to do." He started to cry at those last words.

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