Chapter 36 Grandfather

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Eve Pov:

I woke up from an uncomfortable nap and heard fighting. What I saw could only be described as hopeless for those who are fighting right now but I had to recover at least enough, my chakra reserves were back to normal and my wounds were treated but I wasn't there yet.

So I sat down and felt all around me. I felt the atmosphere and the soil beneath me. I could feel the energy and started to absorb it.

A minute or two later I was finished and rushed through the troops, not trying to mask who I was like normally with my hood, no now I was Eve Uzumaki, the sword and executioner of the Uzumaki clan. And I will beat my enemy.

A throw and a crimson flash later I kicked with all my might and connected. There out of the cloud of blood and sand flew a man with black hair and red armour.

"Hoh, it seems I underestimated you. Who are you to be able to surprise me?" The man asked.

I slowly stepped out of the cloud and showed myself. "Red hair? And Uzumaki?"

I nodded while holding a crimson kunai in my left hand and my blade in my right. "You are right I am an Uzumaki. And this Uzumaki will kick your ass old man."

"You believe you can beat me?" Madara asked.

"Your original you? Yes but the one with the DNA of Hashirama, well I am not too sure about it. But lucky for me I am not alone." I then activated my EMS and teleported the Naruto clone back out here.

"The sharingan and even the mangekyo. I am surprised and delighted." Madara praised. "But why do you think the two of you could even lick my boots?"

"Because we are strong, grandfather." I said while smirking. He seemed shocked. "Didn't Obito inform you? That he had a little sister, created with the blood of his little brother Shisui."

His eyes narrowed at the prospect that I knew such things. "Wood style: Smothering binding technique." Naruto shouted out and created several wooden beams that tried to ensnare him.

Madara jumped back and laughed. He just laughed. "So this is it? Two Uzumaki? One with the nine tails and the other one is my granddaughter? My pet and my family just before me. Come to me my possessions." He said and went through handseals.

"Fire style: Great fire annihilation." He shouted out and spewed as much flames out as possible.

"Water style: Oceans Tsunami." I shouted while several shadowclones released tons of water out of scrolls. I fell to one knee but soon caught myself. I saw Naruto charging at him with orange eyes and a rasengan.

"Rasengan." He shouted and pushed the attack at Madara, but I knew it wouldn't work.

A blue skeleton formed around him and stopped the attack. "Susanoo." Gramps shouted. I gritted my teeth in anger. "Feel the true power of an Uchiha."

"Susanoo." I shouted myself and created my own chakra construct and faced him. "You are not the only one who can use this trick." And charged.

His blades swung at me and I parried or evaded. But with every thrust I got more and more leeway. He was stronger, no doubt but I was faster and I used it to weave in an out of his defences and slowly dwindle his defences to nothing.

With one last slash I catapulted Madara out of his Susanoo into Naruto that was ready with a Rasenshuriken. Naruto pushed down but Madara absorbed the jutsu like it was nothing.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"He absorbed the jutsu?!" Temari stated.

"He has the Rinnegan. It is capable to absorb any kind of chakra, even the chakra in your own bodies as well as do other unspeakable things." I informed them. "But if he has this activated he can't use the abilities of the sharingan including the Mangekyo, well except the Susanoo. He can still use this one and it should also be stronger and larger."

"You know a lot about my abilities." Madara stated.

"I expected something like this. I mean why would any Uchiha take the nine tails out of a jinchuriki and let him attack the hidden leaf? He was never planning on capturing the nine tails. Not then, but make sure the container wouldn't be strong. And for what does anyone need the tailed beasts? For the eye of the moon plan. Plus who could have the potential to awaken the Rinnegan, which is a necessity for the plan? You and Hashirama. Making you the one who planned all of this."

"My blood flows strong in you, if you were able to deduce all of this just like that. But now you will die." He jumped away and Naruto wanted to follow but I stopped him.

"No don't go after him. He is planning something, something destructive and we need to protect all around us."

He nodded and stayed with us.

And we were not disappointed. Soon a gigantic meteorite was falling from the sky. I of course knew that a second one was approaching too so I prepared my own attack.

Once more the Susanoo formed around me, but this time it looked different. It had three arms and hands. Out of all sides came chains and pointed upwards.

When the Tsuchikage stopped the first stone I shouted at him. "Get out of the way. A second one is on its way." I said and finished my technique. Pouring nearly all my reminding chakra into this technique leaving only a percent of my current reserves there. The Tsuchikage understood but were still surprised when metal ropes attached themselves to this.

"Forbidden Technique: Combination technique of the spiralling attack." I shouted out and released the Pyrogan, Rasenshuriken and Railgun towards the meteorite. But before the attacks could start taking effect of coming close to the target the chains stopped it.

The attacks combined, fused together to one destructive beam which tore right through both dangers at once. An attack that rivalled the true tailed beast ball. "I just hope that I saved enough people, because I can't evacuate everyone." I said with a tired and therefore strained smile.

Naruto looked shocked at me but then a metallic tentacle surrounded him. He followed the tentacle to the origin and looked fearful. "Survive." I said and ordered my clone to teleport as many as she could grab out of there. They were about five thousand but that was far from all of the.

So I stood there, smiling and looking up at the falling stones that might or might not crush me.

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