Chapter 31 The start of war

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Eve Pov:

Today is the day. Today the war will begin. I heard that Sasuke has attacked Killer B and was gravely wounded. He forced the eight tails to come out, yes and he and his team had been about equal in strength but Killer B still defeated them. Well he lost some chakra in the form of a tip of a tail but that was it.

That was two months ago and now he should be healed. And today is the five Kage summit as far as I am aware. If I remember correctly then Kakshi is attending in the summit in stead of Tsunade since she is in a coma.

I send Angel, Tayuya, Fu and Karin to Konoha to treat Tsunade and made my way to iron country.

When I arrived I heard fighting sounds and made myself not just invisible but also undetectable. I snuck in the room where they were talking not even ten minutes ago and waited. I then saw Sasuke running inside and getting disintegrated by the Tsuchikage. Or so it seems.

Kakashi was there with his bodyguards. It seems he took with him Shikamaru and Yuugao. Not too strong looking but well. Just when they were about to celebrate Sasuke's death he appeared and started to talk about his plan.

Having enough I appeared in a bodyflicker.

Crow after crow began to fly away and show me standing there. The Tsuchikage seemed in edge, just like the Raikage but the others stayed rather relaxed. "So that is your ingenious plan? To use a genjutsu that was described on an old rock. You are truly pathetic. Aren't you elder brother."

"Why you little. Watch what you are saying and I have no sister." He said dismissivly.

"Oh but you have. Just look at this." I threw him a rolled up piece of paper which showed the blood relation between myself Shisui, him and Madara, our grandfather. "Nice isn't it."

"This only states that you are my granddaughter not my sister." He said.

"Oh now, now. You might be granddad's disciple but you are not him. But before we get to that. Do you truly believe what you read? You should know one thing. The plan will not work. Why you might ask, well let me explain." Meanwhile the Kages looked confused and wanted to intervene but were stopped by Kakashi.

"Why would the sage note down how to destroy the world? Wouldn't he destroy such information Maybe there are other forces here who manipulate the actions of the likes of you. Someone who is so desperate to bring back his so called mother. The rabbit goddess. Someone ancient, like black Zetsu. But why should you even listen to me. You aren't interested in the real world either way.

After all I know why you want this. You want Rin, but not the real Rin. Otherwise you would have used the Edo Tensei, brought her back and then used that Rinnegan under the mask to revive her for real. But you couldn't why well that is easy, because she would be disgusted with what you became. And that wouldn't be nice would it. So you decided that you wanted a lie. You wanted not her but a false Rin, a Rin that would always be on your side and even compliment you for your horrific actions. Isn't that right. Obito Uchiha."

He shot a lightning streak right through me but I used Kamui to evade it. "You are not the only one who can use this teleportation trick. "Annoying. I will kill you. I promise you that you annoyance. But you will not be alone. Since right here right now I will declare the fourth shinobi war against all of you." He shouted and disappeared.

In an instant the Kages surrounded me. "Who are you?" Asked the Tsuchikage.

I removed my hood and looked around. "My name is Eve Uzumaki and I am here to help you." Some seemed confused. "Look the plan he has will not work. If you had agreed not only would he be in possession of the eight and nine tail he would also have started his plan."

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