Chapter 12 The forest of death.

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Eve Pov:

All genin were gathered somewhere in front of the forest of death awaiting further instructions. And they did come in the form of one sexy and single Anko Miterashi. She appeared and like last time fired a kunai but this time at Kiba instead of Naruto. Orochimaru in disguise also gave back her kunai. The major difference tough was that I have left a little surprise for Ibiki on my exam papers.

When we were in the room and I had finished the exam I started writing down things I noticed. Gaara being the jinchuriki of the one tails, one grass ninja having large chakra reserves and vile chakra and lastly Kabuto who has failed I believe seven chunin exams but is a talented medic and has chakra reserves for a B-class shinobi. Meaning that there are a few spies or dangers. When he will grade the papers he would feel something strange about it and bring it to the wrinkly monkey.

"So who are our targets?" Tayuya asked.

"We will not go after Naruto's team. We will stay away from Kabuto, Gaara and that grass ninja." Karin then looked confused so I clarified. "The grass ninja is most likely Orochimaru and he is after the sharingan, meaning that he isn't a genin but a S-class ninja, which we can't beat. And since he is after the sharingan he is after Sasuke so we stay away from them. As for Gaara, well he is the one tails container and don't want to show my magnet release just yet." They nodded in understanding and we rushed through the gates.

When we finally made our way to the place where we felt a team we saw another team of grass sitting there thinking about what to do. I looked at the others and they agreed. So in one smooth motion we jumped down and stabbed them, winning the fight before it even began.

"That was easy." Tayuya exclaimed.

"What scroll do they have?" Karin asked.

"An earth scroll which is perfect with our heaven scroll. You can give them to your summons Karin if you'd like. I mean you promised them."

She nodded and went through the handseals to summon her allies. Yes all of us have summoning contracts and no they didn't find them but used the reverse summoning technique and were sent to the summoning realm. There Karin met the sea serpents and signed the contract. They are not like the snakes that they demand offerings but they still like all kind of meat. On the other side Tayuya signed the contract with the chameleons. And while they don't give her anything new they help her with her genjutsu but can also use wind jutsu. They are eating plants so there are no sacrifices.

We wanted to rush to the tower but then felt the oppressing dark chakra of the nine tails. "Well sh*t." I said and changed direction. Minutes later was when we arrived to the scene. Several trees were badly damaged by what looked like scorch marks and claw swipes. But the genin were nowhere to be seen. "Karin where did they go."

She spread her senses and then started jumping into one direction. A few minutes later once more we saw them. The pink head. I think Sakura was her name was still awake but the other two were knocked out. "Naruto's chakra is strange and Sasuke has a secondary chakra signature trying to invade his system." Karin informed us. I nodded and jumped down alerting Sakura.

She jumped up and got into a defensive position. I ignored her and walked forwards. "S-stop. O-or I will attack." She stammered out.

"Listen Pinki. I am not interested in you but Naruto has some problems with his chakra and Sasuke got some secondary chakra source that is trying to invade his. Can you tell us what happened and we might be able to help."

She seemed hesitant but then answered nonetheless. "We were attacked by Orochimaru and he bit Sasuke and then hit Naruto and knocked him out." She said in a defeated voice.

I gave her a nod and then lifter up Naruto's shirt and imbued some chakra into him to let the seal show. "Five pronged seal release." I said and shoved my hand on Naruto's stomach. "That should help him. Sasuke on the other hand looks bad. I will try to block the chakra from infesting his system but it is up to him. If he wants to give in to the vile power then it is his own fault. Just remember it. Also tell him that this cursed seal is like a drug. At first you will feel strong but then you will become dependent on it and become much weaker."

With my peace said I left the clearing closely followed by Karin and Tayuya. We arrived in the tower a hours later but still made it before the second day could begin. When we threw the scrolls on the floor we found a certain silver haired jounin standing in front of us.

"Ah hi scarecrow. How have you been?"

"Is that some kind of Uzumaki thing?" He asked exaspereated. "I mean the nicknaming. Naruto does that the entire time and Kushina wasn't better in the slightest."

"No she is just like that." Karin remarked.

"Anyways. Get some rest and be in the stadium in four days for the third part."

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