Chapter 6 Family

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Eve Pov:

I am now close to ten years old and I finally know when I am. At first I run away from the elemental nations in fear that I was sent to the time of the shinobi wars but I heard that the nine tails attacked about ten years ago and that the Uchiha massacre was three years ago, meaning that I am about the same age as Naruto and the other characters of his graduating class.

But this also means that the whole Akatsuki thing as well as Kaguya and the fourth war will happen less then ten years from now. And that they will graduate in about three years.. Ugh too many variables.

But anyhow I am right now returning to the elemental nations to make a name. I procured some glasses that hide my eyes, just in case I have to use the sharingan.

My other plans also came along quite well. I now have several hidden blades that I can use or give to allies. Mine is equipped with a simple blade since I can throw senbons easily. But I also created one with an additional hook, one with the possibility to turn the blade and use it as a dagger and another one with a senbon shooter.

But the thing which made myself more happy then anything else is my partner. Or partners. During one of my assassinations I stole a contract and signed it. They are very helpful to me and complementary to my skill set.

But first my little friend. I called her Angel. She is a hellcat, which specialises in genjutsu and fire jutsu. She is not yet able to fight with me but in the future I am sure that she will be able to. She still has three years to beat Akamaru. I never liked Kiba in the story so I will be happy when she does that.

And as for my contract it is the scorpion contract. Said to have once been wielded by Sasori of the red sand himself, even tough his name wasn't on the contract. Meaning he never signed it. When I signed it I was tested and they accepted me as their summoned but told me not to summon the boss just yet since I didn't have enough chakra just yet. I accepted and returned to the elemental nations.

The good thing is that the scorpion clan specialise in defence and traps. They can use earth jutsu to burry themselves in the earth and attack from it. They can also use poisons and acid jutsu but they are no masters in it. Sadly they can't track but Angel can fill that spot. The only thing I don't have just yet is the ability to infiltrate something without the constant use of genjutsu. Since neither Angel nor the scorpion clan are good at that.

As for where I am, well I am currently traveling with Angel on my shoulder through the land of mountains next to the land of valleys and the land of fire when I hear fighting. At first I wanted to ignore it but then I felt that familiar chakra. It was warm and while not large in quantity it is most definitely the chakra of an Uzumaki. So I decided to change course and at least try to safe an other Uzumaki.

"Hold on Angel. I will be going faster." I said, then held her tight and sped up.

When I arrived I could see a small setelment, which couldn't even be called a full village being attacked by ninja. But that was not the thing that got my blood boiling. No it was their headbands. They were ninja from Otogakure. I created a shadowclone and placed Angel down, deactivated my resistance seals and took out my sword and some kunai.

Not even a second later I was gone from that place and started to slice through the ninja of the enemy village. They fell like flies but did not flee. Well either die or get tortured by Orochimaru. I can understand their decision.

"Wind style: Wind slash." I shouted after making some handseals and a blade made out of wind cut a few of them down.

"And there she is." I sped up once more by imbuing chakra into my legs and shot at the redheaded girl that was already captured. I decapitated her captor and stopped next to her. I couldn't sense anyone else like her but I had to ask. "Where is your family?"

She seemed confused but nonetheless answered. "They died during the attack. Something about that they had no use for civilians." I nodded understanding their reasons. I then scooped her up in a princess carry and jumped away. "hey let me down shithead. You pervert."

I choked on my breath, even slipping for a moment but catching myself immediately after. "What the hell. I just saved you from those Oto-ninja. Did you by any chance want to end up as an experiment for Orochimaru of the Sanin that was marked an S-rank missing ninja for his inhumane experiments on humans?"

At my words her face lost all colour and she shook her head. She then nuzzled her head into my chest and relaxed somewhat. "But why did you only save me shithead?"

"Because you are family? You might not know this but you are an Uzumaki. But since your parents were as you said civilians, your chakra reserves are rather small for an Uzumaki. But the bright and warm chakra is definitely of an Uzumaki. So I saved you. The others are not my concerns. But we Uzumaki follow a certain creed. Family comes first and no matter what we stick with them."

"I never fucking signed or accepted such a creed." She protested.

"You might not but I have. And I will stick to it. I lost my family once and I will be damned if I will lose it a second time. Now hang on, we are far enough away for me to unbind you and meet up with my clone."

Minutes later my clone arrived with Angel in his arms, while I was healing Tayuya. Who knew she already swore years before the series. But at least she is an Uzumaki and has quite the talent. Genjutsu through sound is very rare and powerful. And I have three years to make her a force that even Kakashi Hatake would not want to fight her.

The next day:

"If we are family why have I never met you." Tayuya began her questions and I answered one after the other. "I see. So the Uzumaki clan was destroyed or at least lost to the winds. You are a ronin and not a full Uzumaki just like I am not. You will help me become stronger and even train me in everything. You just want your family back and partners to do missions. Is that about it?"

"That about covers it. I intend to kidnap or safe another Uzumaki. Her name is Karin and she has a rare bloodline of the Uzumaki clan. She can heal others when they bite her but at the price of some of her life force. Her ability is overused by her village since there are no medics. I plan on going right when I have situated you in an in and gave you enough things to do while I am away."

"Wait shithead what the hell will you even give me?" She demanded.

"Chakra paper for your ninjutsu as well as the first three chakra control exercises and the first exercise for elemental manipulation. I will also leave you with s scroll for the taijutsu and one for the kenjutsu style of our clan. Lastly with your small chakra reserves I am leaving you a scroll on genjutsu. I would recommend you to learn genjutsu through sound since it is harder to break and I will make sure you get the best equipment to cast it. Of course I will leave you enough money for the time. The only thing I want except for you to train is to watch over Angel."

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