Chapter 23 The hidden mist Pat 2

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Eve Pov:

The last two months were how to say it? Interesting?! The first thing that peeked my interest was that Sasuke ran away from the village. First I suspected that there would be no problem what soever since Naruto now is much stronger then in the mange but I was proven wrong.

Sasuke made it out but not unharmed. As far as Naruto told me he well had to back up the other Rookies. One after the other, well except Sakura. The Rookies got their asses handed to them but managed with the help of the arriving Naruto to kill the sound four. But then came the little complication. Due to the fight with Kabuto Orochimaru most likely didn't underestimate the Konoha genin and sent another one. And to my horror he sent Kimimaru.

The battle was intense and cost the life of Kimimaru but it also took Gaara, Lee with his weights of and gates open as well Naruto to kill him. When they defeated him Naruto went after Sasuke and saw him crossing the border. The only thing Naruto could do with the abysmal amount of chakra he still had was using one Wind style: Wrath of the wind god and hurt Sasuke. As he wrote me the last thing he saw was Sasuke getting flung away.

As for the regular life for Naruto, well most of the villagers have denounced Naruto's heritage and called him an imposter and a demon while the others were sucking up to him. The council tried to put him in the CRA or tried to execute him because he let the Uchiha get kidnapped but both attempts were stopped by Tsunade.

Lucky for her the old monkey cleared house before his death. Now there are new elders, a new civilian council and she can start cleaning up the village, like the hospital, the academy, the red light district and many other projects.

As for his training trip, well it was postponed until he could use his chains naturally. Kakashi is training him in everything he could use.

But we, well we have a problem, namely that a certain Kage went missing. Yagura literally disappeared from the war before we even got to do much. I mean since we joined we made our way to several strongholds and conquered them. We had several losses but thanks to our barrier techniques and medical abilities less lives were lost and now we are here back on the battlefield. And most likely the last battle we would face before the war officially ended. Well unofficial the war has ended with Yagura's death since he was the last S-rank in the hidden mist's ranks.

"Lady Mei what are your orders?" Ao asked.

"Get Sub-Zero, the devil princesses, Zabuza and Chojuro here pronto. They will drastically lower the morale of the enemies and will start the attack." She commanded. (Yes I gave Haku a nickname.)

A minute later the before mentioned ninja were standing next to Mei and were waiting for orders. "You will lead the attack. Make Kiri proud. Do not show any mercy until the battle is over. Kill whoever gets in your way but do not exterminate all of them."

We affirmed that we understood the orders and started our own preparations. Karin went first. She summoned the boss summon of the water serpents and stood on top of him. Zabuza drew his sword and charged, closely followed by Chojuro. When they charged Karin commanded her summon to attack as well. I looked over to Tayuya and could just see her vanish, chuckling I made my move as well. I created my Crow wings and flew above my enemies.

They tried to hit me with projectiles of jutsu but none of them hit me. Using my feathers barrage I fired back and my attacks hit, but what nobody noticed was the light trickle of sand, metallic sand that was falling down onto the pro bloodline purge ninja. Soon the last person joined the battle and columns of ice rose up just as fast as gigantic spikes pierced through the enemies.

Yes Haku trained a lot during our time together, understood that taking a life can safe hundreds of allied lives and made his chakra pool larger. He was the last defend and held his position long enough for me to signal everyone to retreat and hold the position.

They did as ordered and I started my handseals. Sixty handseals later I activated my technique for the first time in a battle. "Magnet style: Blending hurricane."

All the metal sand I used was starting to lift from the floor and circle around my position. Like a real hurricane it started small and weak but became stronger and stronger until it literally shredded the enemies apart. No bones, no muscles, no chunks of meat, nothing was there anymore, only the red tint of blood that was dragged along due to the iron in it was left of them. And a few minutes later the red cyclone started calming down but this was not the end of the technique.

I went through another thirty handseals and ordered the sand to take the form of a giant human looking creature. It was black and red due to the bloody metal, had no distinctive features, except the tusks stiking out of his mouth as well as a metallic dragon coming out of his stomach and going around his neck. (Yes modelled after Hashirama's golem.)

The giant took a step and swung it's fists killing another few soldiers. The dragon attacked as well and took another docent lives.

Seeing this the enemies started to retreat. While not impossible to defeat, the golem was not possible to climb onto, since it either swallowed or grinded the attackers to pieces, as several Kiri ninja realised.

When they retreated I stopped my attack, created my wings, stopped the magnet sand and sealed it back up, without the blood, into my scrolls.

"That was new Gaki." Zabuza commented.

"Well I had to come up with something. I mean Haku started creating strong jutsu and will most likely become the strongest Yuki in existence."

"Well that is mostly thanks to you, Eve. Weren't you the one who came up with most of my new techniques. Ice clones, Ice armour, Frost touch, Ice plain, Icicle shotgun, Ice javelins and many more." Haku said. "And I know you haven't been idle either. If I am correct you created no less then ten new metal jutsu." He said while smiling gently but tiredly at me. "Oh and your seal was amazing, who could have guessed that someone could store chakra and forcefully enlarge ones chakra reserves." Then he collapsed.

"Get him back to base. Escort the devil princesses as well. We will do the rest." Mei said and we gladly obliged.

Yes my chakra reserves were massive thanks to my Uzumaki heritage and the new seals I created after reaching level eight in sealing. The more I start learning about jutsu and chakra as well as creating my own techniques it feels like I was made for this. Yes Haku was correct. I created many more jutsu for my magnet release. Magnet style: Metallic golem (Creates a metallic golem). Magnet style: Blending hurricane (Creates a hurricane out of metal sand). Magnet style: Iron dragon (Creates a dragon out of metal sand). Magnet style: Divine slash (Creates a blade out of metal at least seven meters long, but can be lengthened). Magnet style: Forest of death (Creates spikes of metal of all kinds under the surface and shoots them out to destroy everything over the ground). Magnet style: Shut down (A stronger variant of Magnet style: Equilibrium disturbance. It can kill fast or slow). Magnet style: Iron armour. Magnet style: Dance of a thousand swords (Creates small blades in the air and slices and dices everything up). Magnet style: Hunting pack (Diverged from Kakashi's jutsu but with metal (She can also use the lightning variant)). Magnet style: Third eye. Magnet style: Death of a thousand birds (Hundreds of small crows attack the enemy).

So I am good for now but I still think I am rather weak. I know what will come in the future, I can use my Kamui all the time and don't get blind, I can use large and small scale jutsu, I can use three basic elements and one sub-element but I still fear that my intervention might change the future.

When we arrived at the camp we decided to take shifts. The first one was mine while the other three rested.

When I was porched on the highest roof I felt the build up of chakra nearby and readied myself. But the only thing that came was a crow. "Greetings lady Eve. I have a notification from lord Itachi." The crow informed me.

"What did he tell you?"

"Only to give you this note." She said, gave me the note and disappeared.

I opened it and cursed out loud. "Dam you Itachi. Why didn't you tell me that you killed the Mizukage? That would have been helpful. Dam you. And he even says it was an accident. How dare you, when I see you next time I will, I will. Urgh."

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