Chapter 44 Epilogue

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3rd Pov:

It has been around fifteen years since the fourth shinobi war ended. And since then piece was the norm. Of course there were still some people who wanted the dreamworld back or bandits and many other things but there was no war.

Eve for one was living inside the village hidden by the snow. But not alone, she was living there with her family, with her complete family.

The entire Uzumaki clan along with some newer additions lived inside the compound. They were one of the leading clans in said village but there were several other clans that heard of a new village on the uprising, while also being stable and strong.

There was now the Uzumaki clan, the Chinoike clan, Fuma clan, Hoshigaki clan, Hozuki can, Iburi clan, Yugo, Kaguya clan, Kurama clan, Jinsuko clan and the Tsuyoi clan. All in all there were eleven main ninja clans of this village with two more representatives for the none clan ninja in the council.

And yes some of those clans migrated to the village hidden by the snow due to bad history with their old village, like the Kurama clan that originate from Konoha.

But back on track. Eve was living together with her spouse or live partner Haku Uzumaki. The two of them have four children. First a daughter, then twin boys and lastly a daughter again. The eldest is able to use not only the chains but has also mastered the sharingan, while the boys are ice users with the sharingan. Eve had already given up on handing down her techniques to her own children when she had another girl who also inherited her mothers magnet release.

As for the other Uzumaki, well that is quite easy to explain. Tayuya settled down with Suietsu and had two sons. Karin meanwhile had two daughters with Yugo, who has no problems with his powers due to the seal placed on him. Lastly Fu who had at first not found anyone but the also fell in love with a member of the Jinsuko clan. They had one son and are spoiling him to no end.

As for Naruto it was as I suspected. He left the village after two years and took everything that belonged to him and wasn't nailed down. At first the council threatened him but after realizing who they were threatening they backed down. Now Naruto is the Kage of this very village and is living a good life with his soul mate Temari and his three children. The oldest boy had just like his father gained the wood release, his middle child, also a boy, gained the magnet release, which must have come from Temari and lastly there was a little girl who also had the ability to use the wood release.

Now to people outside the Uzumaki clan. Tsunade had given up her post as the fifth Hokage and had moved to the village hidden by snow to be close to her grandchildren. Iruka had also moved here and was teaching the children in the academy which was far better then the academy in Konoha. It started at six years old and ended when you were twelve. In the first year your natural chakra nature will be found out, then you are learning about history and chakra.

In the second year taijutsu training begins with each person learning the basic style but for their affinity. They also start to learn about Kunai and shuriken throwing.

In the third year they learn about genjutsu additionally to the other subjects.

In the fourth year they learn about medical jutsu and kenjutsu.

In the fifth year they learn fuinjutsu.

In the last year they are to specialise in one or several of the four: fuinjutsu, genjutsu, medical jutsu or kenjutsu. They will also learn more about ninjutsu and taijutsu while also learning politics and law.

The important part is also that from the third year on the academy students will do D-rank missions once per week.

Now to other people. The Konoha twelve mostly still stay inside Konoha and do missions there but with the decline of Konoha there are less missions. Sakura has a child with Sasuke who went missing once again, saying he went to look for some clue for Kaguya. Kakashi is the new Hokage and the others are not that important.

As for the tailed beasts they decided to live their live outside of the humans they were sealed in. Kurama is currently living in the Spring country and is guarding the device that keeps the freezing weather warm. He has his own mountains, lakes and forests to live in and is under no circumstance to be disturbed.

As for the villages, well they have changed somewhat. They are no longer hostile towards each other. This could also be attributed by the research lead by Karin and sponsored by all major villages to find out ways to use ninjutsu in other ways. At first they started with collaboration jutsu where two ninja with complementing chakra natures work together, then one person is using two different chakra natures at once and lastly combining the two natures into a sub element. For that we found out it is nescesarry to learn yin and yang style, because the ratio of the yin and yang chakra of each element can be different. For example 30% yin chakra and 70% yang chakra for the water element while using 80% yin chakra and 20% yang chakra for the wind element to create ice.

The villages work with each other but are still trying to compete with each other. And now there is Kumo, Kiri, Iwa, Suna, Konoha and Yuki who are the strongest villages. Tough Konoha is no longer as strong. The newer shinobi that are of no clans are to say it bluntly weak and unprepared. Due to this Konoha is now more of a trading village instead of a shinobi village.

But the shinobi of the elemental nations were not idle. They were informed about Kaguya and the Otsotsuki clan which could invade the elemental nations at any time, but that is a story for another time.

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