Chapter 9 Righting wrongs

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Eve Pov:

I looked over the village that was so easily invaded. Hell I just used a seal on me to hide my signature from the barrier and supress my chakra to the same amount that is all around myself. Making myself invisible to mot sensers.

I didn't want to seem suspicious so I was dressed in regular clothes but activated the seal on my neck to change my hair colour.

I looked through the different stores and bought a thing or two. And four hours later I entered the estate of the fourth Hokage.

When I was inside the lights went on automatically and I started with the help of clones to copy every last jutsu that was noted down by either Kushina or Minato. From the Rasengan the Hiraishin or theory of seals. I was rather stagnant on level six since I haven't had enough material to work with.

I stored everything and made an exit during the night. Vanishing from the village.

When I arrived at home I expanded the library and then took a few things with me to meet up with some people in Wave.

When I arrived there I took my place next to a blonde overenergetic boy. "Who are you?" I asked innocently.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki Dattabeyo." He answered happily. "And you are?"

"My name is Eve. Eve Uzumaki." I said.

"Nu uh. My name is Uzumaki not yours. Don't steal my name." He accused.

"You are really an idiot. Aren't you. Uzumaki is not just your name. It is a clan. One that was once destroyed and then scattered to the winds. Your mother was also a part of that clan." At that he got thoughtful.

"You knew my mother?" He asked.

"That is the only thing you got out of this statement? Unbelievable. But no I didn't know her. But I know who she was."

"Who? Who?" He pleaded.

"I should not be the one who tells you jinchuriki of the nine tails. Naruto Uzumaki."


"Tell me how was your life? How were you treated during your entire life? Were you treated fairly or like the chakra construct you are holding?"

"Chakra construct? Ah you mean the idiot fox." He didn't speak further.

"So you were treated like the fox. I didn't expect anything else from Konoha citizens."

"They are great. They are just confused. And I need to prove to them that I am not the fox. And for that I will become Hokage." Naruto exclaimed.

"So you need to put in effort because they can't see past their own grief, even after thirteen years of your life. You know that this is just an idiots wish. Right. They would never see you as anything else if they haven't seen you now. As for becoming Hokage, do you seriously want to be the head of a village that despises you and would rather backstab you?"

"But grandpa told me so." He said meekly.


"The Hokage."

"So the leader of the village that always has the best interest for not one individual but the entirety of the village is telling you to forgive and forget what they did to you while bearing their hatred. And at the same time he shows you a goal that is unlikely to be achieved as well as completely worthless for you. That is manipulation."

"Grandpa would never do that." He exclaimed and I love the village.

"First your grandpa did that all the time. I mean has he told you about your parents? Has he told you about your inner demon or did you find out another way? He manipulates you all the time. For the good of the village let Naruto Uzumaki suffer. As for you loving the village. Well I have a book that describes your situation perfectly.

Imagine this: A child is at a place where it is imprisoned and the prison guards are the villagers. They keep the child down with all possible methods. They keep it caged in that village and to make them not treat the child so bad it begins to try and be seen in a positive light by the guards.

This is the Stockholm syndrome. It is when a prisoner tries to appeal to the force who has all the power which in this case are the guards. And in this situation you are the prisoner, the child and the villagers are the guards. You might believe you love the village but it is what your mind twisted to make it more acceptable."

"Bu-but." He stammered out.

"Just take this. It is a book about the laws of Konoha and fire country. And before you protest just let a shadow clone read it." He looked confused. "Seriously you spam the jutsu but you have no idea of how to use it? When a shadow clone is dispelled you get the memories of the clone. It works for everything except gaining muscle mass. Now get out of here."

He walked away and I waited at the pear. "So Kakashi how did you like my little speech?"

"Not that much." He replied.

"But I was right. Am I not. I mean the Hokage himself is responsible of treasonous acts considering Naruto. And honestly I don't care about Konoha but Naruto is important. So I gave him some things to learn and think about."

"And what do you want to achieve with that?" He asked angry.

"For you to train him seriously. I mean you can't let him walk around and do whatever he wants now right? So I will give you this. It is a training I planned for all of your genin and you will use it. Otherwise I just might come one day and take Naruto with me. After all neither the council nor the Hokage has any right to meddle in clan affairs."

"That only concerns clans of Konoha." He replied.

"And the clan of which you use the symbol not only on your flag jackets but also on your headbands is no such clan? Look I went to Konoha to get a few things and leave your Hokage the same ultimatum. But he also has to get his ass out of his chair and use his power. Konoha is a f*cking dictatorship and no democracy. The council can vote on what he wants. The advisers advice and can be changed at any time. Lastly the civilians have no right meddling in shinobi affairs. Also this is something you found during some investigation. It is dirt on all civilians including the elders. Do we have an agreement?"

Kakashi looked through the training regiment and my demands. "That is impossible How should I cover all of this. Also Naruto is no genius as you think he is." He exclaimed.

"I never said that. But with the nine tails and his immense chakra reserves he can create a sh*tton of shadow clones which can all do their own exercises. He just have to assimilate the knowledge. And as for your own time, well aren't you also able to use the shadow clone technique?" With my piece said I left him behind.

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