Chapter 40 Ten tails clones vs the allied shinobi alliance

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Eve Pov:

I looked to my left and to my right, while pulling out my sword and charging as fast as possible.

Several people were surprised by my actions but soon got their stupor sorted out and followed my lead. Swing, slice and pierce.

To my left I could feel the effects of a wind jutsu impact while on my right an enormous water jutsu washed away a clone of the ten tails.

It wasn't a clean fight, no the ninja used all of their abilities as limited as some of them were. Most used the most basic techniques. It is sad how most ninja who are of no clan are only chunin, while clans only allow the usage of their own techniques and therefore hinder their own clanmembers development.

But I will not allow such a thing in the Uzumaki clan. There will always be a strong push towards learning the clan techniques like fuinjutsu and our chakra chains, which are mandatory, but otherwise they can become masters of the blade, masters of ninjutsu, healers, researchers or anything else. There should be no boundaries. The only thing that is important is that every member of the family keeps their name and hands them down to their children, so that the Uzumaki clan can become large once more.

"Wind style: Wind scythes." 'Thanks Temari.' Several curved wind blades started to spin in the air and slice one after the other enemy in two.

While activating my sharingan I could see shino using his bug jutsu, while Akamaru and Kiba attacked together. Then further towards the front I saw Hinata demolishing a single opponent. I laughed bitterly at the display of power. It was something but it was overkill for one opponent, she could have defeated seven with this attack.

They are still young and have yet to realise that they should reserve their chakra for the real enemy and not use overpowered jutsu.

Neji and Lee attacked together. While one punched a whole through two clones, the other disarmed another bunch to let Lee finish them off. "Their team work is astounding. I would even struggle against them."

Tenten was further back but was using her weapons similar to me, just slower.

Ino, Shikamaru and Choji then decided to show of as well with the Inoshikacho combination that is feared over the elemental nations.

"Magnet style: Feathers barrage." I shouted and conjured with one handseal docents of black feathers that ripped through my opponents. I then looked at the last team, well Sai was right now on his own and doing rather well.

Sakura was using her immense strength to deal with the enemies, ripping them apart or punching them to oblivion. 'I really need to learn that.' But then the other two arrived.

"Wind style: Rasenshuriken."

"Inferno style: Flame control."

Naruto and Sasuke shouted while using one of their strongest attacks and then landing to the sides of Sakura, completing the original team seven.

'Then let me try something I tried and failed to do all this time, while saving hundreds of lives of course.' I reassured myself that I wasn't like the others and wanted to show of. "Combination art: Sage art: Wind and lightning style: Continuous Railgun." I shouted.

Soon a beam of electricity that looked more like just a beam of light grinded its way through any obstacle standing in front of it. "I knew it would work," I shouted but then wobbled slightly on my legs. "But the chakra cost is great." I said but at the same time activated another Chakra replenishing seal inside my uniform.

""Summoning jutsu."" Shouted the three members of team seven.

And like in the books of old wars there stood the three summons. A toad, a slug and a snake.

"Hey why aren't we doing that?" Asked Tayuya who just arrived next to me, along with my other siblings.

"Because we need to do it together." Fu proclaimed and bit her finger.

I followed suit just like Karin and Tayuya and we went through the required handseals to use the jutsu. ""Summoning jutsu."" We shouted and a moment later there stood a pitch black scorpion, a dark red sea serpent, a white chameleon and a dark blue butterfly all of them being bigger then the average house in Konoha. The chameleon was 15 meters long, the butterfly had a wing spread of 25 meters, the water serpent had a length of nearly forty meters, and the scorpion was astounding 25 meters in length without the tail of the pincers.

"Sasori let's do this." I said to my familiar or personal summon. Something I learned is that if a person has a summoning contract they still have a personal summon and therefore this summon is more in sink with them. But that is not where the fun ends. The familiar becomes stronger when the summoner is strong. Due to this Sasori my personal summon is as strong as the boss of the scorpion clan. His shell is stronger then steel through my magnet release and the connection with metals.

But enough explanations. Our summons began their onslaught. While Karin and Tayuya were more subtle and Fu flew up with her summon, Sasori just waltzed through our opposition.

He grabbed an opponent and killed it, then used his tail and literally punched wholes through several opponents of skewered them from above. And all this time I was using my own jutsu. "Magnet style: Fortress offence." I exclaimed and created a fortress like structure on top of him. But then the fortress began to shoot out attacks left and right.

I then looked further to where Naruto and Sasuke were. It looked like a black whole opened and I understood. "Everyone out. This will not end well." I commanded and the ones who knew me followed my instructions immediately. "Sasori dispel. From here on out you can't help me anymore." He looked defeated and ashamed of himself. "Look the person that will come soon uses ying-yang release and can only be hurt by said release or by nature chakra attacks. Any other kind of attack, would most likely not work."

"What about physical attacks?" Sasori asked.

"I don't know but for this we would need to get close up and that would be deadly, at least for you since he can see you from afar."

My siblings heard my reasoning and ordered their summons to dispel just like Sasori.

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