Chapter 24 Allies?

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Eve Pov:

Three months later we were in Kiri. Well we were here for some time but we were busy in rebuilding and my sisters and I helped in keeping everyone from killing the person next to them. It was hard work I tell you, especially during the evenings when they started drinking.

And it wasn't too well accepted when we broke of the fights since we were all fighting on the same side and well caused a lot of deaths. But that was to be expected. The only positive thing that resulted from us helping Kiri was citizenship which we accepted and the proposal to be jounin of Kiri which we declined. We also have been promised an estate which would be large enough to house about eight pairs or sixteen people, has all kinds of facilities and is neither too far away from the centre or too close.

And since we are honorary citizens we don't have to share our knowledge. So we have only benefits.

"I am very thankful for your aide during the bloodline war as well as saddened to see you leave so soon. But before you leave I have a mission to give you." Mei said.

"What would that be lady Mizukage?"

"Due to our civil war we have lost all of our allies. We intend to find new ones. Ao and a few trustworthy jounin are on their way to Wave, which was until recently under the control of the shipping magnet Gato. Since they are close to us we intend to ally us with them. But I want you three to take Haku to the land of snow. They are close and Haku will be the representative." She explained.

"Sorry to disappoint you lady Mizukage. But snow country is currently controlled by an imposter. The brother of the late king tried to assassinate his niece and took over the country after killing his brother. And as per our rules we will not work in any way with a tyrant."

"So you won't take this mission?" Zabuza to her right asked.

"No most definitely not. We will not work for Doto this includes sending some propositions to him. We decline your offer." I said, turned around and left the office.

When we were out of Kiri Tayuya turned to me. "Was that a good idea to shoot them down like this?"

"Yes. For one I would never break the pack we made and secondly the rightful rules is still alive. If we would make any alliance with him it would look like we would aid a usurper, which would lead to us being mistrusted. And honestly I had hoped that we could live in the snow country one day." They looked surprised. "It is cold, yes but it is far away from all the major countries and the five nations. If we have families and children they would be safe or at least as safe as they could be without us joining a ninja village."

"So what do we do now?" Karin asked.

"We will go to snow country and assassinate the current Daimyo. But before that we will get our things. I know we have most of our things with us, but if you are on board with my idea then we should pack our things."

"Then let us relocate to snow country boss." Tayuya mock saluted.

A month later we were in the snow country. We went undetected and bought a mansion on top of a hill. The word mansion tough doesn't give it any right. The entire thing could be compared to a clan compound. There is the main house and several smaller houses which are not small at all. We decided that we will for the time being live inside the biggest house together and have been securing the vicinity. Now unless the person is a top notch seal master they would not be able to enter alive. Or when being cued into the system. And just in case we also cued in a way to let Uzumaki chakra enter the barrier.

Now to the way the houses are designated. There is a smithy, a library, a storage of food, a weapon storage and a trophy storage. We have a little shack with chicken, a few cows, that are more like wild cows and a few fields to grow our own vegetables. God bless fuinjutsu that can create a place warm enough to let plants grow while also allowing sunlight to get to it.

Our estate must look amusing to the outside, the green place in the middle of the cold, if the illusion wouldn't obfuscate the view.

And now we have time to do what we planned to do in the first place. Killing Doto.

But first information. I decided to be the one to gather it and leave them back home along with a shadow clone.

When I arrived in the town with a disguise changing my appearance to a inconspicuous woman without my red hair and golden eyes, I decided to first buy everything we might need or want and then went to a bar to gather information.

When I finished buying meat, fruits and other necessities I walked into a bar. I sat down and could already feel the gazes on me. But a small burst of killing intent later, which I learned to do from Zabuza and have lots since I killed since I was nine, they left me alone. I took my drink and started listening.

At first there was just unimported talk about the weather or what they intend to do but then some guards entered the bar.

"Hey Hiroshi I heard you got promoted." One of the soldiers already in the bar shouted to him.

"Yes Izuku. Those so called mist elite were easily dealt with. They had no idea what to do and just fell like flies. I even recognised one and kept him alive, tough just barely." Hiroshi said smugly.

'So they really send someone. Idiots.'

"Are they really so weak? I would have thought they would at least be strong enough to deal with one of your men?!" The first man Izuku asked. "I mean they are not called elites for nothing."

"Bah against us they are nothing. No ninjutsu works against us, tough the one that survived packed quite the punch. He send two of my men to the hospital before he was taken down. He also somehow used the same abilities as we did. No idea how tough, since we use them with our chakra armour." Hiroshi said somewhat confused.

'It seems that they are already drunk enough for me to ask some questions.'

10 minutes and four dead bodies later I walked out of an ally. So they sent Haku and he got himself captured, nearly crippled and will most likely be sold to Kumo for the obvious reason. 'Idiots all of them. First they don't listen to me and then they send someone as important as Haku?! Why would Doto ally himself with Mist when he can gain goodwill with Kumo, the first or second strongest village in the elemental nations, instead of working with a newly rebuild and not close to being stable, village like Kiri.'

'I just hope that they suffered, they deserved it after getting touchy.' I smirked and disappeared from the city to get back home and inform Karin and Tayuya.

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