Chapter 13 Preliminaries

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Eve Pov:

We are now standing in the arena waiting for the announcement. And look there they are final arriving. Well most genin seemed to be spent and are most likely unable to put up a decent fight but they still wouldn't drop out, unlike Kabuto who will drop out.

After the boring speech about the true reason for the chunin exams Kabuto disqualified himself and disappeared.

"Would Sasuke Uchiha and Choji Akamichi please come down and take their positions."

Both went down. Sasuke with a crazed look in his eyes. Seems that the sealing didn't work as good as I had hoped. Meanwhile Choji was hesitant to fight. Maybe he could feel the atmosphere around Sasuke or maybe he just didn't want to.

When the start of the match was called Sasuke immediately went through handseals and shot a medium sized fire ball at Choji. The fireball was evaded and a giant fist shot at his opponent. In the nick of time Sasuke switched with a log. Sasuke then once again had to dodge an attack from Choji and another and another. Even with his training Sasuke can't get hit with one of those punches or it would be over.

Choji then decided to use the human bolder technique and charge and Sasuke.

Sasuke was sweating bullets and then it happened. The power he felt for a short time during the second exam. He let it take him over and then felt the rage along with it. With a cackle that should only be heard in the institution for mentally ill patients. A few handseals later he spewed out fire all over Choji. And again and again while continuing to cackle maniacally.

"Winner Sasuke Uchiha." Hayate announced and took Choji to get medical treatment. "The next match is Dosu Kinuta and Karin Uzumaki."

At the mention of her last name all genin from Konoha looked at Naruto. "What?" he asked.

"What do you mean what? She has the same name as you. Are you related?" Ino screeched out.

"Eh yes. We are all part of the Uzumaki clan." Ino wanted to interject but Naruto held up a hand. "The Uzumaki clan's and therefore our homeland was destroyed during the second shinobi war. Iwa, Kumo and Kiri joined to attack and get rid of our clan. And they were mostly successful. Some Uzumaki survived but there are few of them left."

"Dobe you are a clan less orphaned looser." Kiba interjected "No way your clan was so great that three villages bounded together to get rid of it."

"He is right." Kakashi said. "But what he didn't tell you was the death tall. Out of about 150'000 ninja that went to attack the small island of Uzushiogakure only about 10'000 survived. And those ninja were killed by about two thousand Uzumiki. The Uzumaki clan is the reason why we won the second war. The other villages just didn't have enough manpower."

"But he couldn't even do a basic jutsu." Ino protested.

"You wouldn't either be able to Ino." Sakura intervened. "I read about the Uzumaki clan. And one of their common traits are that they have enormous chakra reserves. A jounin has as much chakra as an average kage. Meaning due to Naruto's absurd reserves he has very bad control over it. Unlike me. I have very small reserves but very good control."

At that everyone turned to Naruto. "She is right. I use other clone techniques and can spam jutsu after jutsu. But I will most likely never have good enough control to use genjutsu or medical jutsu. But that is okay since the Uzumaki clan always used other means. We use seals instead of the other two mentioned arts, we use swords instead of fists and kunai and we use when we use them higher ranking ninjutsu."

Meanwhile with Karin and Dosu.

"Ready go."

Karin switched places with a log behind Dosu and swung her sword cutting him over the back in an instant. He fell forward not expecting an attack so soon and swatted his arm behind himself while sending a slash made out of sound towards Karin. She just infused water chakra into her sword and cut through the attack.

And then held her sword to Dosu's neck signalling her win.

The audience was surprised that it was over so fast but had to get their bearings together since Tenten and Tayuya were fighting.

The fight went similar. Tayuya attacked Tenten and she parried but was obviously loosing. Slash after slash was she driven back and closer to fall down in defeat. But she wouldn't have it. She jumped up into the sky and rolled up a scroll and fired docents of weapons at Tayuya. And to everyone's horror she just stayed there and took the brunt of the attack.

"Not so much of a clan ey dobe." Sasuke snorted.

Most participants looked over to Eve and Karin and saw them smirking. "What is so funny? Your friend just got skewered." Shouted Kurenai.

"I am disappointed that you didn't see it. Also Guy you should prepare to bring your student to the infirmary."

And then the situation in front of us shattered. The situation was reversed. Tenten was pierced by her own weapons and Tayuya was completely fine.

"Winner Tayuya Uzumaki." Hayate declared and a green blur snatched Tenten up.

When Tayuya arrived on the balcony another green clothed boy approached. "That was very unyouthfully Why did you do that to Tenten."

"I didn't do anything to her. She decided to use an attack that could be fatal. I just made her use the attack on herself. Also isn't it as you put it unyouthfully to try to kill? So in actuality I am not the one to blame but your teammate."

The match from Shikimaru and Yoroi went the same as in the original with Shikamaru winning. But now is my turn. I jumped down and stood opposite of one of Kabuto's teammates. This will be boring.

Just when the match began he started to talk. "Give up girl. You should not be out here fighting, you should be at home c-"

But I stopped him there with a senbon which was lunged in between his eyes. And with that his eyes closed forever and he fell backwards.

"Piece of Sh*t."

The arena was silent. Noone expected it to be over so soon but I didn't care. I walked up the stairs and sat down.

Half an hour later the matches continued. This time with Naruto vs Kiba. "You will go down dobe. Just give up and take it." Kiba mocked.

Naruto didn't even wait for him to get into any real position and just began to pummel Kiba. Ackamaru tried to intervene but a shadow clone of Naruto stopped him and bound him in ninja wire.

"Okay dobe you got better but I will still beat you." Kiba proclaimed

"Wind style: Drilling air bullets. Wind style: Great Breakthrough." Naruto announced and Kiba was first literally punched into by the drilling air bullets and then thrown away by the strong gust of wind. "Procter I doubt he would stand after this. And even if he does he still has no chance of doing anything."

Hayate nodded and announced Naruto the winner. The other matches went similar as in canon, except Sakura she actually won. Not by much but by a hair's breath.

The matches were:

Sasuke vs Choji = Sasuke

Dosu vs Karin = Karin

Tenten vs Tayuya = Tayuya

Yoroi vs Shikamaru = Shikamaru

Misumi vs Eve = Eve

Naruto vs Kiba = Naruto

Hinate vs Neji = Neji

Gaara vs Rock Lee = Gaara

Sakura vs Ino = Sakura

Zaku vs Shino = Shino

Temari vs Kin = Temari


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