Chapter 42 The three descendants

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Eve Pov:

We were successful but not completely. As I knew Obito was forced to revive Madara and he did just as expected. Sadly it wasn't over with just that. Madara got one of his rinnegan by a white Zetsu and because Madara was close he summoned the Gedo Maso and attacked all the tailed beasts.

Not only Naruto's but also Minato's part of the nine tails was extracted, making everyone hopeless.

Well except Sasuke he still attacked Madara but was nearly killed. Only through the help of Kabuto and Karin who I send to help Sasuke just a moment ago was he able to survive.

(Author's note: I know I jump a lot of stuff but I have no idea what I could change. And I have no interest in writing the same things that happen in the anime.)

But after all of this my elder brother finally got his marbles where they belong and betrayed our grandfather. He stabbed him in the chest and extracted a bit of chakra from him, to give it to Naruto.

After the awakening of the red beast and beating Madara a bit we were all ready again. Sasuke who healed from his seemingly fatal wound, Naruto from the extraction and myself from the beating I got from Madara. It seems that I can't see the limbo clones and only slightly feel them.

When I decided to go and jump back in action I was stopped by some force. I knew it wasn't Madara but it felt similar. Looking around I saw Naruto and Sasuke.

"Where are we?"

"We don't know." Answered Sasuke.

"You are in limbo." Said a person from everywhere and nowhere. "I brought you here to explain what is going to happen." Then a person with white skin, brown spiky hair, two small horns and unmistakably violet ringed eyes hovered in front of us.

"Hagaromo Otsotsuki. The sage of the six paths."

"So you know that as well." He said and looked at me more intently. "Ah that is interesting, but it makes sense. Child of another world. You shook this world quite a bit." He said while smiling at me.

"I did everything I could to save this place." He seemed unconvinced. "I might have changed some major things but I always knew what was approaching and needed to do something. Also everything I did only made our chances better. Or so I believe. I never did something purely for myself. Well nothing world changing."

He looked sternly at me. "Your actions could have resulted in the end of this world. You might have saved others and shown the true faces of several individuals but that could have led to the deaths of millions."

"If lying all the time would have led to the end of the world then it would just be like the infinite Tsukuyomi. A world of lies. That is no true life. Plus I still hold the values of the Uzumaki clan. Family comes first."

"What is he talking about Eve?" Asked Naruto.

Hagaromo looked at me and I nodded. There was no reason to lie to him. "The girl you see here is actually not from here. She first lived in another world without any special abilities and no chance of utilizing chakra or similar energies. There was just science but several people wished to have magical powers so they wrote books and made films about them. One of such books and films was about a boy who lived a bad life. He overcame the hatred of everyone by shouldering every burden he could. This boy's name is Naruto Uzumaki.

When this young girl died at the age of eleven she was reborn in this world and decided to change things for the better. She decided to become strong and protect those who are close to her. But most importantly protect her family and make sure everyone survives. The first person she thought about was you. She from her own perspective knew how you lived and how you were treated. And since she saw most of it she realized things you didn't."

"So she changed my destiny?! How would I have been?" Naruto asked defeated.

"You would have been a happy go lucky person, who forgave everyone. Ran after me and was only able to do the basics. Taijutsu your shadowclones, the rasengan, senjutsu and use Kurama's chakra."

Naruto looked at me so fast I feared he would get whiplash. "What?"

"Your teachers never really taught you anything. Kakshi would have taught you teamwork and tree walking. Ebisu would have taught you water walking, Jiraya would have taught you better taijutsu, basic nature transformation, the rasengan, using Kurama's chakra and summoning."

"What about my bloodlines?" Naruto asked fearful.

"You wouldn't have them. Learning the chakra chains was my theory. I believed that every Uzumaki clan member could learn them with enough mental drive or training. As for the wood style, well I was the one who brought it up and do you believe anyone else wanted to give you more powers? You know that they still fear you. They would never let you get too strong if they could help it. So yes I manipulated your destiny for what I believed to be a better future. Even if you don't become the Hokage, even if you don't give your heart to Hinata but to Temari you are still you. In my opinion a better you."

"I agree with her. Naruto if what she described your other self then I was happy that she intervened. You are no idiot and don't let everyone push you around. You are your own man. A person who I can wholeheartedly respect." Sasuke said with a slight but genuine smile.

Naruto seemed a bit floored at the revelations but got his thoughts in order rather quickly. He then walked up to me and I closed my eyes, expecting him to lash out at me, but noting like it came. He just hugged me. "Thank you. You were the one who helped me. Don't think what you did was in any way bad. You saved me from a life of ignorance. You freed me, even if you had to manipulate me you did what you thought was right and good for me. You didn't manipulate me like the others who just wanted to use me as a weapon but you did it so that I could make my own decisions. But on another note. What will happen now?" Naruto asked.

"Well you two should get something from our ancestor but I don't know why I am here. I mean you are the reincarnations of Indra and Ashura but I am nothing like this."

"I meant from now on. How far into the future did you see?" Naruto asked.

"Several years from now. You had two children and Sasuke had one child. One of your children had a Otsotsuki sealed inside of him and you took in another one with the same problem. But in the end it ended well, I believe. You see I haven't had the chance to read everything. But you only had two children. A son and a daughter, but that is of no concern right now. We need to stall Madara and then defeat Kaguya."

Hagaromo nodded and began to explain the happenings and the tail of his mother and himself. Who Indra and Ashura were, who Kaguya is and who he is.

At the end of this he gave Naruto the sun and Sasuke the moon seal to take down Kaguya. Lastly he turned to me and I looked at him confused. "Yes child I can't give you much. But I can still give you a little boost. Please show me your chain."

I did as he said and he touched it. From the point of contact the chain turned darker. From teal to blue and the to purple. "Now your chains will even be able to hold the ten tails for some time. Make good use of them."

And with that said we disappeared from the place. 

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