Chapter 10 Sensei and strategizing

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Eve Pov:

My sisters and I are currently sitting in front of Zabuza waiting for his instructions.

"Before I start with your training I want to know what you did to the copy cat?" he asked.

"Oh that was me. You see the brat there is an Uzumaki like we. I then gave him an explanation on how to act and who to trust. I guess you can understand how he was treated, being the jnchuriki of the nine tails just after its attack. He is hated by nearly everyone and manipulated to strive to become Hokage by the Hokage so that he is no flight risk. Completely brainwashed. I then sent him away but Kakashi heard everything. He wasn't happy but had to listen to me and then follow my demands. I wanted him to train Naruto in everything. I want Naruto to be trained in taijutsu, kenjutsu, fuijutsu, chakra control, cancelling genjutsu, ninjutsu, shuriken and kunai throwing and lastly regular knowledge."

"And how many year did you give him time?" Zabuza asked.

"Five months with the help of hundreds of shadow clones. But I also gave him training exercises for his other two genin. So I stayed fair for them. And he has to listen since we can take him out of the village whenever we want since no one outside of the clan can intervene in clan matters. I also demanded that he is told about his parentage at least during the chunin exams."

"And why is that. From what I heard just now you have another reason." Zabuza deduced.

"I indeed do. I gave Naruto a book about the laws of Konoha. And it is very detailed. Two laws that concern him directly are that if someone is violent towards a clan heir the porpetrater has to give away the worth of 2/3 of his belongings to the mistreated clan heir. And no he is not for certain the Uzumaki clan heir but he is for certain the Namikaze clan heir. And the second law is that if anyone intervenes in clan matter that is outside of the clan then he or she will be executed on grounds of treason. And his heritage was hidden from him by several individuals. Manely the Hokage and his godfather Jiraya of the Sanin. They haven't told him of his heritage and made it possible to manipulate him more and maybe even change the heir out."

"Gaki you are devious. I hope I never again will stand on opposite sides to you." Zabuza laughed. "But now I will break you until you are ready. So what was it wou wanted to be trained in?"

"We wanted to be trained in water ninjutsu and Karin and I in kenjutsu. I can also teach Haku basic medical jutsu. Karin can train her better since she is a natural in it. And yes to your unspoken question that is plaguing you. We are all Uzumaki."

In Konoha:

The genin team has just arrived in the Hokage's office and have given their report. All genin left leaving only the Hokage and Kakashi. "Kakashi you know that we are in deep sh*t. Train Naruto to the best of your capabilities. Train him as good as you can and make sure he makes connections to the village. He can't leave."

"Of course lord Hokage but I don't know if he still intends od doing that. Or at least not proactive. That Uzumaki girl has had quite the compelling arguments." The Hokage looked sceptical. "For an example why should he be treated differently because of his tenant? So why would he have to act any different to gain the acceptance of the villagers? Does any woman also have to act different to gain the same respect as men. And Naruto immediately agreed with her. And the thing with the Stockholm syndrome seems logical. As well as the information that we knew about his parentage but didn't tell him due to some idiotic reason to which I have to agree."

"She is dangerous Kakashi. Strong and smart but most importantly well informed and devious. She told me that you had information about the council members. She also told me to get my old wrinkled ass moving and get the village back into my hands so that I could get control once more. She even informed me about a few laws that slipped past me and I will have to serve at least 30 years in prison along with Jiraya if she brings it to the fire daimyo's attention. And I wouldn't put it past her to do that if her demands are not met. One last thing Kakashi. Are they really Uzumaki?"

"The one I saw had red hair and another used the same chakra chains that Kushina could use." The copy cat answered stiffly.

"I see. Your team will not get any free time. Train them but don't take any missions. They have enough missions for the chunin exams where they will be entering." The Hokage commanded. 

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