Chapter 8 Confrontation

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Eve Pov:

A bit over a year has passed since the mission from the noble from the lightning country. It also seems that the lightning daimyo got a message from Mifune himself and he was not pleased at all. And so not even a month later we were tasked with killing the noble and taking away some of his possessions. I myself stole some lighting jutsu from him and copied them while giving the original to the lighting Daimyo.

But now we are on the way to Wave. After all getting hired by Gato to kill some missing ninja that were plaguing the lands of Wave. We have already been made aware who those missing ninja are. One of them is Zabuza, then there is an unknown person and the demon brothers.

Well the demon brothers will die by Kakashi's hand but Zabuza should still be alive, at least for now.

We jumped from tree to tree until we reached the unfinished bridge. And look there. I could see team seven be in lots of trouble, well until Sasuke got knocked out and Naruto got all kyubi on Haku.

And that was my signal. When Haku teleported away I used the special body flicker that I tried to create like Shisui, while deactivating my resistance seal.

I appeared slightly above Kakashi and the other two and then twisted my body and executed a spin kick. Hitting the unprepared Kakashi straight into the face and throwing Haku into Zabuza getting both to fall on the ground.

Kakashi was the first to get up, closely followed by Haku. Tough both were tired and could die by my hand. "Who are you." The copy cat growled out.

"Who I am is not important. But why I am here is important."

"And why are you here?" Haku asked.

"I and my partners were hired by Gato to get rid of some missing nin that were tyrannising Wave. Namely you Zabuza, your unnamed friend here and the demon brothers." This caused everyone's eyes to widen. "But as I said I am not here to get anyone of you."

"But you just said that you were-" Zabusa began.

"Yeah, yeah I was hired by the ass but I don't work for people like him. I know that he is the one who oppresses Wave and sucks it dry. I just came here to inform the ninja that work for Gato that he is trying to back stab you."

"You are the one of the red devils." Kakashi deduced.

"Very good deduction Copy cat. But don't even think about doing anything. After all all of your genin are over there and under my families control."

His eyes widened and when he turned around he froze, but he was not alone. Zabuza had the same reaction. Both turned to me and spoke at the same time. "You have an Uzumaki with you."

On the other side of the bridge laid a still knocked out Sasuke next to a genjutsu sleep induced Sakura with a chakra supressed in adamite sealing chains tied Naruto. He bled a little bit but was mostly unharmed.

"Will you stop your worthless bickering and come to an understanding. Gato and some thugs are on their way here. Most likely to kill us when we killed all of you."

This caused them to stop arguing and ask obvious questions. And then we heard clapping from the other side of the bridge. "I am impressed for some trash you are smarter then what I would have given you credit for. But it changes nothing. You will die either way. Kill all of the men and bring me the women." Gato shouted.

His lustful glance made a shiver go down my spine but I didn't let that stop my actions. I looked at them, looked at my hidden blade and span the small crossbow. I inserted a senbon and took aim. The bandits began to cackle but I smirked and let the senbon fly. "Hah, your aim is trash, just like the rest of you." The first bandit shouted.

"No I hit dead centre. You never were my goal." I stated. The bandits then looked back to see Gato with a hole in between his eyes.

"You, you killed our meal ticket." They shouted one after the other but I didn't care. I rushed forward with my family and clan members next to me. I shot several wind cycles and some lightning javelin towards them killing several bandits and then slicing through the rest of them. Meanwhile Karin used her chains in conjunction with her sword to skewer other members of Gatos forces and then there is Tayuya who made the rest kill their friends with the help of genjutsu.

When we were finished we walked back to the stupefied ninja. Naruto and Sakura have woken up and saw most of the massacre but Sasuke was still unconcise with senbons from his neck. Karin walked over to him and plucked them out.

"I think we are finished here. Oh and Zabusa we will come to you in the near future. In about a week we are in need of a teacher for water ninjutsu and since we saved your ass today I hope you can do as much."

With that we all disappeared from sight. I looked over to Karin and she gave the affirmative. "I have it. But why do we need his blood?"

"His chakra is vast and warm. He is one of us, but he serves a village so we can't just take him away. But he has no red hair but blonde hair and blue eyes. Kushina Uzumaki was the only Uzumaki in Konoha and she had red hair and violet eyes. That means his coloration and hair is from his father. Which famous Konoha shinobi had such coloration?"

Both thought for only a moment until Tayuya exclaimed. "You can't mean."

"Yes he is the son of the forth Hokage. And I doubt that his house isn't sealed by some bloodseal. I will enter the village and copy every last scroll that is stored inside the house."

"But what if you aren't accepted." Karin asked uncertain.

"That is very unlikely. First it should recognise his blood and not chakra since the fourth died during the nine tails attack, making it impossible for the child to be locked in the seal matrix. And secondly we Uzumaki have all similar chakra and Kushina is an Uzumaki."

"But how did you know that he was born during the attack of the nine tails or just a little bit before?" Tayuya asked interested.

"I send out my summons for one. And secondly look at him. The whisker marks and the dark chakra full of hatred that is held back by a seal. He is a jinchuriki, which is only possible when the person possesses the chakra chains in an active way like we do or when they are very young. And if I saw it correctly then he has very poor chakra control, large reserves and the red chakra is partially purified and then let into his chakra network to enlarge it."

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