Chapter 35 Raikage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage and Kazekage

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Eve Pov:

I was flying far above the clowds but I could still sense much thanks to the sage powers I discovered.

I knew for a long time what nature chakra is, or at least that it existed and that everyone with enough chakra, control over the chakra and a strong enough body could wield it. But the scorpion clan had no sages and therefore no ability to absorb that chakra. Btu I didn't give up.

I looked into Hashirama's sage powers and thought of something similar. What if nature chakra is just the chakra around us. The natural present chakra, the chakra that Kaguya wanted to absorb. After all why should she want to just have very limited amount of chakra from the humans. No there must have been something stronger.

And so I started to feel for it. I started to feel in the metal which worked and later in the magnetic forces that are present all around us. And so I created my personal sage mode. I call it the magnetised sage art. Not very original I know but still I can use it.

Anyhow since I am flying at speeds that are even impressive for the Raikage I am closing in fast. And to my relief I can feel a clone of Naruto coming closer. It seems he did what I expected. He might have become smarter, a lot at that but he is still going to protect those close to him.

'I can't fault him for that, after all I was the one who punched those morals into he head.' I thought and chuckled. When I arrived I could see the four Kage standing there and Gaara as well as Onoki floating in the sky.

The Mizukage turned to me and seemed intrigued. "Why didn't I sense you before just now?" He asked intrigued.

"That's a secret."

But it seems that Raza's reaction was the best. "This black sand. This is-"

"Yes father she is one of us." Gaara said and commanded a wave of sand to ensnare his opponents while I started to shoot feathers out of iron at them. I even coated them in lightning so the defence of water was useless.

But seeing as it made no difference I changed my strategy. I started to retract my sand and fall down. "Sage art: Lighting style: Railgun." I said while spiralling chakra in my hand and adding my lighting nature to it.

Seeing as they were surprised most importantly the Kazekage I let it fly. And fly it did. It punched right through the Tsuchikage and the Mizukage while damaging the Raikage.

"What was that?" Asked Gaara and the Onoki seemed to be just as surprised.

"That was a version of the completed Rasengan. The lighting style: Railgun. It is the fastest Rasengan there is but not the most destructive one." Meanwhile Gaara was sealing them away for good.

"How can you use the jutsu created by the fourth Hokage?" Asked Onoki.

"Well I broke into the estate a few years back. With Naruto's blood and my Uzumaki chakra I was allowed to enter. I copied every jutsu including the notes on the Rasengan. I mastered it and created three elemental versions of it. But they are best used by a sage. The natural chakra is protecting the sage when using. And as you just saw the technique is very destructive."

"I can see how it could damage the caster." Onoki admitted.

While we were speaking the Raikage, Tsuchikage and the Mizukage broke out of their restraints but the Kazekage stayed inprisoned. God bless.

Just then Naruto arrived. Or well his clone. "Hey guys sorry that I am late. I just had to fight Itachi and Nagato. And well-"

"We understand Naruto. But now we must take them down and fast." Gaara said slowly but with a clear and commanding voice.

"Yes we should beat them one after the other. We must start with Mu. He is the most dangerous and willing to attack." Onoki said.

"You will take care of Mu and the Kazekage. I will take out the Raikage." I said.

"Wait why you. I have this-" Naruto began.

"I know about your Rasenshuriken, I can use it too. But it is not the solution. We need a strong and piercing technique which stunts him long enough to be sealed. The Rasenshuriken is not that jutsu. Go and seal the others. Speed is my strong suit, you all know that."

I didn't wait for their agreement and speeded away from them towards my destination and target. "Well looks like we are the ones to seal the other two Kage." Naruto said.

I ran and ran towards them and finally arrived. I just heard Temari that there is no stronger wind user then her in the army and I appeared in a crimson flash before them. "Yes there is." I said and threw a Rasenshuriken at the Raikage.

He decided to jump over it but didn't expect the technique to be far slower then my last one and so it hit his foot and exploded.

"It seems you have more techniques with similar effects but that won't be enough to beat me." He said and everyone except me took a step back.

I just grinned and took out several crimson kunai with a special form. "Oh I don't need it." I then threw a kunai at him, which he dodged. He opened his mouth but then I shouted out from behind him. "Wind style: Atomic splicer."

And I punched a hole through his body. The sealing experts were already prepared to seal him but they were too slow. The Raikage began to rip apart the paper and jump away.

"It seems I have underestimated you. But with your lineage and who your creator is I should really not have been surprised." Another voice came out of the Raikage. A voice that I knew.

"Kabuto." I said out loud. "So I was right. You are doing this. You are responsible to have summoned all of those dead shinobi. Let me guess you couldn't summon a Hokage, were they not available?"

"It doesn't matter. You will die here either way." Kabuto said and charged at me.

"Get out of here. This is my fight and you would just get in the way." I said and evaded the strike, while parrying other attacks with my original wind technique.

After what felt like an eternity everyone has left and I teleported some meters away from him.

"Let's decide the winner in one last attack." I said while smirking.

"It will be an honour to fight and perish by your hand. What is your name?" The now real Raikage asked.

"My name is Eve, Eve Uzumaki. So look at this as retribution." His eyes widen but then he nodded in understanding. After all it was his predecessor and himself who were mostly responsible to my clans extinction.

He then charged up his lighting armour and pointed one finger at me.

I on the other hand for the first time in what felt like years deactivated all my resistance seals and threw several kunai over the field while keeping one in my left hand.

We ran at each other. When he ran over a kunai, a crimson flash appeared from behind him and he swatted the individual away. But it puffed away, leaving only smoke.

This was what I had planned, distract him with a clone and then run through him, quite literally. "Sage art: Wind style: Subatomic divider." I shouted out and encased my hand in a windblade comparable to the four blades combined circling around the Rasenshuriken.

I drove my hand, then my arm through him and lastly completely emerged n the other side, slicing straight through the famed lighting armour.

Creating five seal less shadow clones I started sealing A personally. Not wanting him to be able to break out. I even restricted his limbs with my metal on instinct.

When I was finished I slumped down completely spent.

"You have grown." Gaara stated from behind me.

"I sure hope so. I trained a lot."

He shook his head and pointed at the metal around me. "You didn't use any handseals. And it is still moving. You have reached a state like I. Your connection to the element is strong enough to form it with your thoughts. But still use handseals if you can for regular jutsu. It will make it easier to concentrate." He warned.

I smiled and laid back on the floor deciding to take a short nap, while activating one of my seals for these cases.

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