Chapter 18 Giving chase

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Shikamaru Pov:

When Kakashi sensei told Naruto and myself to defeat the obvious crazy genin I thought he was kidding, when I realised he wasn't I tried to protest but he already left to fight his own battles.

Then Sakura, Ino and Shino left to the hospital. Soon enough all of us were jumping towards the retreating forms of the Suna siblings.

"So how will we do that?" I asked. I of course was already making plans of how I could capture them in my shadow or how to make them retreat for real.

"You will not be of much help in this fight Nara." The oldest of them said and I glared at her for that. Why was I of no use? "Look Gaara can break out of your shadow binds or can move his sand without moving a muscle. Kankuro uses puppets and can control them with limited movement so it is also difficult for you to defeat him. Lastly there is Temari who I might ad is already hurt and is the only person you have the right skillset for. No offence but you are not very diverse in your abilities are you?"

"What does that mean?" I growled.

"She means that you have limited yourself to one ninja art. We learned every art and then specialise in one. Even if my taijutsu is the worst out of all of us I still train it since it is necessary. All of us can use gen-, tai-, ken-, fuin-, nin-, shuriken-, kunai- and iryojutsu. You only use your shadows, I suspect some kunai or shuriken if the situation requires it and your other skills are subpar at best. You Nara rely to much on your mind. What if you had to fight Gaara to the death? You would die because no amount of planning would help if you don't have enough raw power." Karin explained to me. It stung not because it was harsh but because it was true. I knew I couldn't beat him none of those close by. The only one I would have a chance against would be as Tayuya said Temari but that also just because she would most likely underestimate me. If she fought me like she fought Naruto then I would lose certainly.

So I hung my head and grinded my teeth. How did this came to happen. Just then Karin signalled us to stop. "Why are we stopping?"

"We are being followed. There are not many but they could pose a problem later on. And all have chakra reserves equivalent to a chunin. Not much but as I said annoying. Shikamaru and Tayuya will stay here and take care of them." Karin said. She must be a senser and a very good one.

I nodded and stayed back with the more crazy clan member. I looked over to her and she sighed in annoyance. "No I am not a natural senser like Karin. But I can tell you where they come from and help you catch them with the help of my genjutsu. You capture them and I end them. Did you already have your first kill?"

I blanched at the careless way she asked this. Like it was completele normal. "No I haven't."

"Then it is time. I will leave the last one alive. I will put him into a strong genjutsu and an advice kill him from behind so that you won't see his face. If you see the light leave his eyes it is much worse. Or that is what Eve told me of her first confrontation with death." She said but this time in a regretful tone.

I decided to follow her advice and hid myself while supressing my chakra as much as possible. And as Karin told us several chunin darted pats us. I used my already started shadow jutsu and froze them on the next branch or at least most of them. I could then see their posture relaxing and four kunai pierced their necks killing them immediately. Now there are only three remaining.

Tayuya rushed out of the tree and went towards them. The first to spot her ran at her but then was crushed by an invisible force. At first I didn't realise it but when looking closer I saw a creature with strange hands, four limbs and a curled up tail that near perfectly blended in with the environment.

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