15. Shaveer braids her hair

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Shaveer's phone was ringing. Siara was staring at him. She lowered her face, looking at his shoes.

He cut the call and put his phone back in his pocket. She hurriedly looked towards him with her eyes shining because of the moonlight coming in from the window.

She quickly moved slightly on the bed, making space for him to sit. Shaveer raised his brows.

She patted the space beside her and said, "Please, dear king. I can't let a king sit on the floor. This is a high-quality mattress suitable for your hard booty," she said, inviting him like a TV commercial lady.

"Who said I was going to sit on the floor?" He rolled his eyes and sat beside her on the bed.

She hurriedly kept her head on his lap. Shaveer was taken aback by her action but did not react.

She kept her head on his thighs and clutched his leg. He has both hands on the bed.

"ShaV, she whispered. Shaveer smiled listening nick name from her mouth.

"Hmmm "

"Won't you ask me why i asked you to stay ?" She asked slowly

"No " he replied immediately


"I will wait for your order." He said smiling evilly

She looked confused. Shaveer bends a little, coming near her ear so that only she can listen.

"In my life, I will give you a single chance when you can order me. At that time, like a master, you can order me to kill any person you want." He pushed the hair from her face behind her ear. Siara's whole body shivered a little . This touch of him was different with every touch. He continued "I will give him the most painful death without any mercy. I would never ask you why or when. You just have to order me, and I won't spare even a single second to think for a moment," he whispered in a dangerous tone.

Siara was feeling something heavy in her heart. She realizes that the shaver must have noticed her behavior. She clutches his leg closer to her chest. Her eyes were still toward the door. She felt that someone was watching her. Shaveer looked towards her and then at the door.

"Are you sure?" She confirmed

Shaveer turned her face towards his side, so now her eyes were on him and not on the door.

"You will  get only one chance, so choose it wisely." Shaver warned her

She was staring into his eyes, looking for any lie, but it didn't look like he was joking.

She slowly took his hand in hers and keep it on her head . Unknowingly,  shaver's hand started patting her head like before.

She slowly patted her thighs, trying to remember the same way he was doing it.

A huge wave of calmness erupted in her body.

Her eyes got heavy. She saw Shaveer was looking outside the window and was in deep thought.

She came up on his lap and put her hand on his belt, tracing her finger lightly on it.

When Shaveer didn't react, she snaked her arms around his waist. She came closer to his tummy and evilly smiled a little.

Her hands automatically moved towards his back pocket, rubbing her palm slowly on his hips.

"Don't cross your limits, or I will throw you out." Shaveer shouted

"Aye aye captain," she pulled back her hands instantly and q held his waist tightly and closed her eyes like a kid caught doing something naughty. Shaveer couldn't control his laugh. "She is shamless for sure."

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