50. In control of desires

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His one hand was under her head in place of pillow and other hand on her waist over bedhseet securing her protectively in his arms.A smile came on her face seeing him still sleeping beside her otherwise he would always left before she awake. She was still in his arms. Even in his sleep he was hugging her so tightly.

She can feel his hot breath over her forhead . His lips were just an inch away from her. She doesnt want to wake up yet. Her eyes were still sleepy but her bladder was full of drinking water so much.

She needs to pee. Siara slowly tried to remove his hand but he held her more tightly while growling in his sleep and frowning.

"Jaana..i need to go to washroom. I will come back"

His hold on her loosen a little. She took a deep sigh and slowly
removed his arms from her waist. He stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes a little but closed them again. Siara took a deep breath when he falls asleep again. Dont know why she was feeling so nervous suddenly.

She quickly went to wahsroom and finish her business. Her fever was gone and she was feelimg refresh. She came out and saw he was still sleeping.

He was laying on his tummy while his arms and legs were spread wide on the middle of the bed . He has the habit of sleeping taking all the space on bed. Even that bed was looking small for him.

A little laugh escaped from her mouth looking his big figure. He was looking so cute at that time. His back was on display and lower was covered with his pant.

Siara was feeling more attached with him after last night. She was feeling like a heavy burden left over from her chest. She has never opened her heart to anyone before. Not even to herself. He was the first person in front of whom she behaved like this..

She came towards him and sit beside his head.  His black hair falling on his forehead looking messy yet sexy. She traced her finger on his biceps . Veins can be seen on his arms clearly.

She was looking his back . His all tatoos. She wanted to kiss all of them, lick them , eat them. She wanted to mess his perfect looking back very badly.

She moved her fingers slowly on his tattoo. He immediately gripped her wrist tightly while pushing her on bed and hovered above her and opened his eyes in anger .

"Ouch..shaveer " She get startled looking him so angry. He was going to punch her but as soon his eyes falls on her face, his eyes become soft

"Butterfly...its you " he was fully awake now..

She looked his grip on her hand. He held it so tightly that she was feeling pain now. He immediately left her wrist. He never let anyone touched himself even in his sleep.

"Am sorry.." she lower her eyes.

"Am all yours butterfly. its an old habit to stay alert all the time. Am sorry i startled you"

She nodded her head in understanding. He was going to move away from her but just than his eyes falls on her cleavage showing enough to disturb his senses.

Because of current stunt, her blazer moved out of the place. Her hair were messy , that blazer which was covering her properly till last night was doing nothing now.  Her legs was under bedsheet but her upper body was only covered a little with his blazer. They both were looking in each other's eyes.

With incident of last night, they both came emotionally closer to each other but that wasnt enough for them. They need something more.

"My clothes suits you " he whispers intensely and came closer to her lips. She quickly put her hand on her mouth.

When A Villain Falls In Love II 18+II (His Dangerous Butterfly ) Where stories live. Discover now