Chapter 2

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"Now class-"the teacher was interrupted by the school bell. Everyone hurried out of the class.

As I walked home I saw my Ex holding hands with that "Iris" girl. When I see them it makes my sick. Anyway, they were in front of me. I speed walked past them. As I did I caught Iris smirk my me. I run the rest of the way home.

At dinner, my parents and I ate in silence.

"Mother, Father I was thinking..."I paused. They looked at me, waiting for me to continue. I took a deep breath.

"I think I should go beyond the villager's boundaries. Find out more about my past."I said in one breath.

"I, I mean we. Father gestured to mother. Think it's a great idea."

"I know you don't, WAIT, really?" I asked taken back.

"Yes, really."mother repeated smiling.

After dinner I went up stairs to pack. I packed some dresses, shoes and other items I would need. *Tomrrow I'm going to found who I really am.* I fell asleep excited for a new adventure.

"Be safe."father said ruffling my hair.

"Don't forget to send us letters."mother reminded me as she wiped a tear away from her face.


The driver was getting impatient.

"Looks like your carriage is ready."mother point out.

"Bye mother."I hugged her.

"Bye father." I hugged him. I put my suitcases in the carriage. Then I got in. The diver told the horse to go.

"Goodbye."I waved to my parents. They waved back. I sat down smiling to myself.

The carriage rid was beautiful. There was so many different colors and shades. The air smelled like new turned dirt. Lots of pretty flowers. The sun shining on the lakes the carriage pasted. *It's wonderful.* I thought as I fell asleep.

"Miss, we have arrived in London."the driver said shaking me awake.

"Oh my goodness." I sat up fixing my dress. The drive opened the door. I grabbed my suitcases.

"Thank you."I stepped out of the carriage. I handed him money. He took it and I was lefted in cloud of dust. *What"s the matter with him?* I shrugged. I pick up my bags. I faced the big town. I took a deep breath. *A trash start. Here I go.* I took a step then started walking. There was so many people and dressed do fancy. I looked down at my dress. *It could be worsted.* I walked past a jewelry shop. A pair of sapphire earrings. *These would match my choker.* The thought just popped in to my head. I starred at the earrings. Then I felt someone's eyes on me. I shook my. *What was I thinking?* I turned to continue, but I bumped into someone.

"Watch it."a guy shouted at me. He looked like a thug.

"Sorry."I whispered. I hurried past him trying not to made eye contact, but he made eye contact with me. He grabbed my wrist. *Why always me wrist?*

"Hey! Look at this. He called to his friends. She has one brown eye and one blue." His friends came over.

"She does."one guy agreed looking my me. I tried to move, but his grip tightened.

"How much do you think we can sell her for?"the other one asked. They came closer.

"I think a pretty good price."the guy holding me answered tough ting me cheek. I slapped him with my free hand. He let go of me. He gave me a death stare. *OH SHIT!* I ran. They ran after me.


I was walking to my carriage to go home.

"HELP!"a girl's voice screamed out. I saw her running towards me. She past me. We made eye contact. It was like in slow motion. Three guys were chasing after her. *I want her* Was all I could think.

"Sebastian help her."I ordered.

"But-"my butler Sebastian was about to refuse my order.

"I order you to." I said firmly. I was getting annoyed.

"Yes, my Lord."he put his right hand on his chest and bowed. Then took off to help the girl. I went to my carriage to wait for Sebastian.


I could hardly breath. I was feeling light headed. I could feel myself slowing down. *Go faster.* I thought, but my body couldn't handle it. I looked behind me. *Damn it, they're getting closer.* Suddenly my body just stopped. I tried to move, but my leggs wouldn't move a muscle. *Why me.* I question. The three guys grabbed me and pulled me into an alley.

"Say sorry or I'll make you."he shouted at me. I don't say anything.

"Fine."he lifted his hand to slap me. His hand was inches from my face when a white glove caught his hand.

"That's no way to treat a lady."a clam voice said. My breathing become heavier. Suddenly I collapsed. The last thing I saw was a black figure beating up the three guys. Then I blacked out.

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