Chapter 18

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P.O.V Ciel
I got through a pile of paper work that needed my approval. I sighed. I traced my finger around the rim of my tea cup, bored.

"Ought!" I pulled my finger back. A bit of blood came out. I had cut it on the chip that was in the rim of the cup.

"I'm s-sorry Ciel." Lucy's voice ringed through my hears. I held the cup close to my heart.

"Where are you?" I wondered.

P.O.V Lucy



"Mother, Father!" I ran into their opened arms. They pulled me into a hug.

"We've missed you, so much." Mother got teary eyed. "Look at our little girl, all grown up."

I had a my black hair in curls. A long, ruffed purple dress on. The Queen had her maid sew it.

"What's it London like?" Father asked.

"Let's go inside. I'll make us some tea." Mother lead me inside. It hadn't changed at all.

"Ought!" my dress got stuck on a nail.

"Just like old times." I chuckled.

"I'll help." Father said. He unhooked my dress.

"Thank you, Father."

"Sit down, we have so much to catch up on." Mother set a tea pot on the stove. Father and her sat down. They smiled at me. I smiled for the first time in along time.

"Are you coming home for good?" Father asked. My smile dropped.

"That's one reason I come here." I said. "I met the Queen."


"Um... she knew my birth parents. They were nobles. She wants me to hold up my family's reputation by become her Fox. Which means I will have to live with her for awhile, but I can visit you when ever I like." I explained. We sat in silence. I knew they were thinking.

"That's why you didn't bring your luggage." Father said.

"H-how long can you stay?" Mother looked like someone had stolen something precious to her.

"It'll dinner." I responded. She nodded.

"Well, I better get started." she got up. She set up everything up to cook. "Oh, Lucy can you and your father go get me some milk? Here's a bag of rice."

Father and I went the small village. We went to a house. It looked familiar, why. Father knocked on the door.

"Coming." a voice said. The door opened.

"John, came for some milk?" a man asked.

"Yes, I have some rice for you." Father said.

"Come on in." the man said. We waited  in the living room. The fire place was on. Winter was coming fast.

"But Father!" I knew that voice. A male around my age came in. "Lucy?"

"Hello Christ." I said to my ex.

"It's been almost two years since I last saw you." he smiled.

"Yes, it has." I remember that day I found him cheating on me.

"Christ please show Lucy to the cow, while I talk to John." Christ's father said.

I followed Christ to the barn in the back.

"Remember we used to come back here and hide?" he asked.

"Yes." I chuckled a little. He chuckled too.

"I miss this?" he come close to me and took my hand into his. He leaned in.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shoved  him away.

"I miss you." he tried to touch me again. Ciel came to my mind.

"STOP!" I held my hand out.  Christ frowned, he sat down and milked the cow.

"So what have you been doing these past year?" he asked. I thought of working for Ciel. I decided not to mention him.

"I'm working for the Queen." I said proudly.

"Oh really?" he seemed impressed.

"How's Iris?" I asked.

"She left me for someone else." he said quietly. I tried my best not to laugh.

"Oh." was all I could say.

"Here's the milk." he handed me a bucket.

"Thank you." I took it. We walked back to the house.

"Ready Lucy?" Father asked. I nodded.

"Lucy, if you have some free time. Maybe you and I can have some fun." Christ winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind." I said. Father glared at him. Father and I walked home.

"How was it seeing Christ again?" Father asked.

"I wanted to punch him." I said honestly.

"Me too." Father ruffled my hair.

I stated for dinner. We caught up on our lives.

"Thank you." I hugged them.

"Come back soon." Mother said. I got in the carriage.

Back at the castle.

"Have you made your decision?" the Queen asked. I closed the door behind me.

"I'm Lucy Moxxin the Queen's Fox and earl to the Moxxin estate." I put my hand to my heart.

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