Chapter 31

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The Queen send a letter of thanks a couple mouths later. Since then I've been having fun being a demon.

"Ciel I win again!" I cheered.

"Y-yes you did." Ciel panted.

"Lucy you're really fast." Mey-Rin clapped. This was the fifth race I won.

"I could race you." Sebastian smirked.

"I think I'm good." I chuckled. He smiled. Since the Piped Piper situation, Sebastian and I have become good friends.

"Lucy, I got to go back to work, sorry." he apologized.  He had regained his breathing.

"Awe, fine. I'll miss you." I said. He kissed me.

"See you." him and Sebastian  left the back yard.

P.O.V Ciel
I got in the carriage. The ride was long. We past through London and went to the country side. We finally arrived at a small nice house. I got out as Sebastian tied the horses. I took a deep breath and knocked on the front door. A few seconds went by until someone answered it. A older women opened the door.

"Hello I'm Ciel Phantomhive. I'm your daughter's boyfriend." I introduced myself.

"John get over here!" she called for her husband.

"Mary, what's wrong?!" a older man stood next the his wife.

"This is Lucy's boyfriend." she said. I smiled and gave him a small wave.

"Come in." he gestured to the inside of the house.

"Thank you." I walked in with Sebastian trailing behind.

"So you're the one Lucy's always writes about in her letter to us." John eyes me.

"Of course his is." Mary lightly hit his arm. "What makes you come here?"

"I wanted ask for your permission." I rubbed the back of my neck. Mary smiled.

P.O.V Lucy
Ciel got back a noon.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Same o' same o'." he shrugged.

"Lunch time." Sebastian announced. After, lunch we went up to Ciel's office. We took the two seats at the chess board. Ciel at the black pieces and me at the white.

"You first." Ciel said. I moved my horse.  We were ten minutes into the game, when Ciel took my Queen.

"Dammit every time." I thought.

Ciel stood up. I was confused why. He got on one knee. He pulled out a small blue box.

"Lucy Moxxin, will you be my queen?" he opened the box, showing a sapphire stone shaped as a heart in the middle the same as Ciel's ring with a silver band.

"Only if your my king." I smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "Yes."

He slipped the ring on my ring finger. We got misty eyed.

"I love you." Ciel kissed me.

"Promise." I smirked.

"You and only you." he kissed me again. "Welcome to the Phantomhive family."

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