Chapter 28

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P.O.V Ciel
"Where am I?" I wondered. I was floating in air. A red blanket was covering my lower half. There were flower pedals falling all around me. 

"Do you want to make a contract?" a deep voice asked.

"This feels like de je vue." I thought.

"Why would I make a contract with a demon?" I asked.

"Because I am one hell of  a demon." it answered.  "What do you want?"

"CIEL!!" I heard Lucy's voice from some where.

"Lucy?" I said.

"Do you want to go back?" the demon asked.

"What happened to me?!" I screamed. For some reason anger took over me.

"Your died." it chuckled.

"No that can be!" I knew the demon had to be lying.

"See for yourself." it smirked. The whole background changed. I saw Lucy.

"Why is she crying?" I wondered.  There was something or someone in Lucy's lap. The demon changed the angel that we where looking at.  There was a boy with blue hair and a eye patch.

"No!" I still couldn't believe that I was dead.

"The truth hurts, doesn't it?" it snickered.

"Shut the hell up!" I shouted. 

"Feisty one aren't you. Ok, if you make a contract with me for your soul I'll let you do back to your little girl friend." 

I began to laugh. 

"What's so funny?" the demon asked.

"It's just that I can't believe how stupid of a demon your are. Your pathetic."  I insulted.

"You should be great full that I didn't take your soul when I found you."  it said annoying.

"That's the funny thing. I'm a demon. I don't have a soul for you to take." I pointed out.

"Why you little-"

"CEIL!!" Lucy voice came again.  There was a moment of silence.

"But I know a soul you can take." I smirked.

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