Chapter 13

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"She's coming!" Finny yelled to us. I fixed Ciel's shirt.

"How do I look?" he asked.

"Great." I kissed him. I pulled away quickly.

"Young mater, she's here." Sebastian said. A fancy carriage stopped in front of the manor.

"CIEL!!" Elizabeth jumped out of the carriage and  into Ciel. Here we going again.

"Hello Miss. Elizabeth." Everyone greeted her.  We walked back into the manor.

"Ugh... you know what today, I think I'm going to decorate the manor." Elizabeth looked around at the plain grey walls.

"N-" Ciel was interrupted by Elizabeth.

"And the servers too!" she smiled. Mey-Rin brought some paper and other arts and crafts items.

"Here you go, Miss Elizabeth." Mey-Rin placed them down.

"Yay!!" Elizabeth got to work. "Come on Ciel and help."

Ciel groaned, sat down next to her and made some paper chains.

"That looks KAWAII!" she giggled. I stood on the side lines watching them. They looked cute together.

"Lucy?" I looked up at Sebastian.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can you go and get the tea?" he asked. I nodded and went to the kitchen. When I came back I saw Elizabeth kissing Ciel. I dropped the tray. Elizabeth moved away for Ciel. She looked annoyed.

"What happened?" Ciel asked a little worried.

"Nothing, s-sorry for interrupting." I kneeled down and pick up the broken pieces of the tea set.

"You so clumsy, almost as bad as Mey-Rin. If the both of you keep this up, we wouldn't have anymore tea sets." Sebastian faced palmed.

"But you told me to go and get the tea." I thought. "Maybe he knew that Elizabeth was going to kiss Ciel at the same moment I would come back."

"Sebastian don't be rude!" Ciel ordered.

"Yes, my Lord." Sebastian bowed.

"Well she is clumsy." Elizabeth agreed. Ciel glared at her. "Let's play dress up!"

Barlory brought out a box of pink clothing and accessories.

"This is for you and you... oh and you!" Elizabeth dressed everyone up. Baldroy was in a pink bonny with blush on. Finny in a bunny ears and a tail. Mey-Rin was in was pink puffy dress.

"Here you go Sebastian." Elizabeth giggled. She set a pair of cat ears on his head. He smiled. She clapped her hands happy as can be. I rolled my eyes. I began to walked away.

"What about Lucy?" Ciel asked. I stopped and turned back around.

"I'm g-" I tried to refuse.

"I have the perfect outfit for you!" Elizabeth grabbed my hand. I glared at Ciel. He smirked. "Done!"

I opened my eyes. I was in a pink short dress with white ruffles on the bottom, puffy sleeves and weird cut  top. Finny run to the bed room with a bloody nose.

"Um... Elizabeth I don't think this one i-" she stopped me.

"No, this is so KAWAII on you!" Elizabeth said.

"Lucy, you still have to finish picking up the tea set." Sebastian said. What was with him today?

"Fine." I bent down, forgetting I had the stupid short dress on. I started to mumble to myself. I felt a pair of eyes on me. I peeked to see who it was. Ciel was staring at my panties. His eyes full of lust. I chuckled. I stood up with the tray.

"Oops!" I pretended to fell backwards. I landed in Ciel's clap. I could feel he was getting turned on. I stood up.

"Sorry." I bowed to Sebastian. I smirked knowing Ciel could get a good look up the dress. I walked back to the kitchen.

P.O.V Ciel
Dammit why did Elizabeth pick such a sexy outfit for Lucy. I was getting really turned on. I could feel it. Lucy went to the kitchen.

"Here's my chance." I got up and when over to Sebastian.

"Keep Elizabeth business." I whispered in his ear.

"Yes, my Lord." he said. I had the strangest feeling like he was up to something. I shook it off. Now it was time for me to keep Lucy business.

P.O.V Lucy
I heard footsteps behind me.

"I was wondering when you would show up." I smirked at Ciel.

"You look hot in that outfit." his eyes turned a darker blue. He rushed toward me. He attached his lips in mine. It started to get heated. "Let's take this up stairs."

I hoped, rapping my legs around his waist and he put his arms underneath my bum to hold me up. We sneaked past everyone and up stairs.

"I love you." Ciel licked my neck.

"Promise?" I asked.

"You and only you." his hand went into the bottom of the dress and slipped into my panties. He pulled them down slowly.

"Wet already, I see?" he smirked. I blushed.

"Take me Ciel." I shouted.

"As you wish." he pulled down his pants and as he was about to thrust hard into me, there was knock at the bedroom door.

"Ciel?" a squeaky voice said. Shit it was Elizabeth.

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