Chapter 25

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We rode into London. Sebastian stopped next to a shop.

"Undertaker?" the sign read. On top of the sign was a skull.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Just a pit stop." Ciel hopped out. I followed him.  The shop had coffin in front of it and a dark wooden door.  We walked in followed by Sebastian.

"Have you come for your coffin fitting?" a man with silver long hair with bangs covering his eyes, black outfit and smiling can out of a coffin next to me.  I moved away from him and closer to Ciel.

"No, Undertaker."  Ciel sighed. "I came here t-"

"You must be Lucy Moxxin." Undertaker smiled.

"Yes I am." I said.

"Undertaker." he tipped his hat. I smiled.

"What do you know about the murders of the little children on this streets?!" Ciel was fed up.

"Can you make me laugh?" the Undertaker asked.

"Sebastian I-"

"Awe, always hiding behind your butler." Undertaker smirked.

"Sebastian, Lucy get out." Ciel ordered. Sebastian and I nodded. We slowly back away. We waited out side for at least a hour.

"Ugh, he's taking too long." I couldn't handle it anymore. I walked into the store. I found Ciel sweating and panting.

"L-Lucy?" Ciel panted.

"Get out." I pointed to the door. He nodded and went outside to join Sebastian.

"What should I say?" I thought. Then a smirked appeared on my face.

P.O.V Ciel
I stood next to Sebastian. Within minutes we heard laughter shake the sign off the store.  Sebastian and I hurried in. I saw Lucy smirking. She walked up to me.

"Piece of cake." she kissed my cheek.

"How d-" I asked her.

"I have my ways." she winked. Well that was true. The Undertaker finally stopped laughing.

"He goes by the name Piped Piper. He leads children out of their beds at midnight then kills them." he said.

"Did you find anything he might use to kill them?" I asked.

"Umm... no, but I found that their bodies were cut into little bites. Some things here and other things there." Undertaker said.

"How do we stop him?" Lucy asked.

"You get the pipe his uses from him." Undertaker said.

"Wh-"  I was about to ask another question.

"I thing that's all the question I'm will to answer. Unless you have another joke up your sleeves?" Undertaker smirked.

"No, I think we have all the information we need." I said. I led Lucy out the door and back into the carriage. We began to travel again.

"You have a plan don't you." Lucy said.

"Yes." I answer. I looked out the window.

"And it's a good one."

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