Chapter 27

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Ciel and I were pulled into the alleyway.  Sebastian slapped the person's hands off of us.

"Ow, Bessie!" a man in a long red coat, pants and white shirt said. He had long red hair, red reading glasses covering his green eyes and a red chainsaw. He pulled his hands quickly away from Ciel and me.

"If you're not the Piped Piper, when who are you?" I asked. The man smiled to show off his shake like teeth.

"You're right I'm not the Piped Piper. I'm Grell Sutcliff." he intrudes himself.

"I'm L-"

"Grell what are you doing here?" Sebastian asked annoyed.

"They gave me assignment to collect souls here tonight. When I learned you were going to be here, I came as fast as I could." Grell batted his eye lashes.

"To collect souls, like a demon?" I thought.

"He's a grim reaper." Ciel answered. I must have said it out loud.

"That makes sense." I thought, this time I didn't say it out loud. "But if he's not the Piped Piper, then who was making the m-"

"And what do I have the honor to have two demons, a grim reaper and a human before me. Or should I say  Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Grell Sutcliff and, oh how can I forget, Lucy Moxxin." a new male voice sarcastically said behind us. We all admittedly turned around. A tall skinny man with colorful cloths on and a dark cape stood before us. The hood of his cape covered half of his face.

"Who are you?" Ciel asked. The man said nothing. "Answer me now!"

"You should know who I am." the man said. He pulled his cape back little. I noticed there was a long  wooden looking item with small holes craved in it hanging around one of the rings of his pants.

"He's the Piped Pipe." I said little shocked.

"At least there's one smart person in your group." the Piped Piper smirked. No one moved. "Why are you all standing here,  aren't you going attack me?"

"We don't fight someone who's afeared to show their face." Sebastian smirked a little.

"Oh, I think you should be the ones feared." the Piped Piper slowly took off his hood.  He had grey eyes      and sort dark hair. There was scars all over his face. Some were faded and some looked new. We all stood here starring at him. "Oh, come on are you too scared?"

Everyone was  getting annoyed by this smart alec.

"Let's get this over with." I pulled my weapon out.

"Ooh,  excited I see. Hey, Ciel if  you die in the fight can I get your girlfriend?" the Piped Piper asked. I rolled my eyes.

"If you don't shut up I'll give you a new scare!" Ciel charged at him with a sword that Sebastian through at him.  The Piped Piper  moved out of his way. Ciel missed.  I ran towards the Piped Piper with my black and blue scythe.

"Get the pipe." I thought. "How hard can that be?"

The Pipe Piper saw me coming and reached for his pipe. It turned into a gun.  He shot at me. I blocked. It went over my head.

"This is going to be harder than I thought." I skid to a stop next to Ciel.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that." Ciel said. Sebastian got his knives and forks out.

"So that's where all the silverware went." I thought.  The Piped Pipe's gun turned back into a pipe. He put his lips to the holes and began to blow into them. A sweet sound came out of it.

"London Bridge is falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair lady."  a creepy chorus of voices came out of the shadows.

"Get them!" the Piped Piper command the small army of children. The children's eyes turned grey and  they ran at me. I blocked them trying no the hurt them with my sharp scythe.

"What kind of sick person are you? First, killed children and then use them as killers." I said in disgust.

"I'm very ill." the Piped Piper laughed madly. The children began to crawl on top of me. I was being dragged down.  Suddenly I felt a hand grab me and pulled me out of the mod of killer children.

"Thanks." I said.

"Anytime." Ciel smirked.

"Ready?" I asked. I  lifted up my weapon.

"I got your back." Ciel said. I nodded. I ran at the Piped Piper. He wasn't looking, because Sebastian and Grell was keeping him busy.  Ciel was knocking down the children.

"I got one shot  to do this." I thought as I tighter my grip on my weapon. I swung and ripped my scythe through the Piped Piper's body.  He gasped and fell down. Blood pooled around him.  I tried to catch my breath.

"Well done." Grell said. I nodded. I looked behind me Ciel finished the children. None of them were harmed that bad. I turned back to Sebastian.

"Why didn't he help more?" I thought.

"I guess there's no souls to collect." Sebastian smirked.

"Umm... that's strange." Grell pulled out his book of what time the people on the list was supposed to die.

"Wait, who's on your li-"

"LUCY!!" Ciel cried. I turned around.


It was like slow motion, Ciel jumped in front of me. A bullet went into his chest. Knocking him down to the ground. I ran to him. I ripped open his shirt. The bullet had hit right in the heart. I used a price of his shirt and presure to slow down the blood. I carefully placed his head on my lap. Blood covered my hands. He was having trouble keeping his eye lids open. 

"No, no, no stay with me." I cupped his face with my hands. Tear foamed in my eyes.

"I love you." he smiled weakly. He's body grew heavily.


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