Chapter 5

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Dear Mother and Father,

London is nice. I am fine. I was hired by Ciel Phantomhive. The other servants are nice to me. Met-Rin is my best friend, Finny is like a brother I never had and so is Baldroy. Tanaka is fatherly. Speeding of fathers. I miss you so much and Mother I wish could visit.  I got to go back to cleaning the manor.
Love you,

After I was done writing a letter to my parents. I put letter in the envelope and put a wax seal. I pick up the cleaning supplies. I dropped the letter in a sack that had MAIL in bold letters on it. I walked in to the library and started cleaning.

"One down..." I gave up on the thought, because there was to many rooms to count. The next room was the master's office. I dust the bookshelves, shined the desk, staked neatly the papers that where laying around, other objects in the office and the last object was the chess set.

"Checkmate!" I giggled.

"I can't believe a six year old beat me." Father said in disbelief. Then ruffled my hair.

I smiled at the memory. I pick up the glass King and spun it in my fingers.

"Awe, I see you're admiring my chess set." Ciel pointed out and walked in with Sebastian by his side. I jumped and almost dropped the glass King, but I lucky caught it.

"Phew!" I thought. I gently placed the King back down in it's place.

"S-sorry master." I apologized. I put my hand behind. I started nervously playing with my fingers.

"Call me Ciel." he reminded me in a strict tone. I nodded my head.

"I should g-" I was interrupted.

"My Lord, Lucy has told me that she is a master at playing chess." Sebastian smirking a little.

"I never told his that. How did he know that I could play chess anyways?" I gave Sebastian a questioning look.

P.O.V Sebastian
I know my Lord loves chess and wouldn't let anyone win. Also I  can sense that Lucy is good at chess. Plus I want to see what will happen.

P.O.V Ciel
"Oh?" I said a bite surprised. Sebastian knows I love to play chess and I never lose.

"Oh, I wouldn't say a master." Lucy blushed a little.

"She's cute when she blushes. Wait no I can fall for her I need something of hers." I spaced out for a moment.

"Let's find out." I said. I walked over to the chess set and sat down in one of the chairs.

P.O.V Lucy
I took a seat across from him.

"You go first." he pointed out. I looked down at the board. I though for a second then moved the white pawn that was in front of the white King a space forwards. Then it was Ciel's turn. He moved his black house.

After, ten minutes, but felt like a hour I had Ciel's King cornered with five of my pisces left. It was Ciel's turn, one wrong move and he would be toast. He moved.
"Oh, wrong move." I shook my head.

"Checkmate." I smirked.

"Looks like you are a master at chess." Ciel relied not phased at losing.

"Weird." I thought. He looked at me. I stared in to his blue eye. When he looked in my eyes it felt like he was looking in to my soul. My eyes slipped past him and to the clock on the self behind him.

"Oh my goodness look at the time, I should finish cleaning." I got up and picked up my cleaning supplies. Then hurried to the door.

"Thank you Ciel." I thanked.

"Good game we should do this again." a small smile formed on his lips. I smiled back and closed the door behind me.

"Damn it his cute. No I can fall for my master. Anyways, now back to cleaning." I shook my head and went back to cleaning.

P.O.V Ciel
"You let her win." Sebastian said after Lucy left. He handed me a cup of tea.

"Yes, I did." I sipped on the tea.

"Why?" he asked confused.

"That's for me to know." I answered with a smirk.

"Do you fancy her?" that made me stop smirking.

"Wouldn't you like that. Now, don't you have dinner to made?" I answered harshly.

"Yes my Lord." he bowed and left.

"I may fancy her, but that sense it's getting stronger. I need to move carefully. Well let the game began." I smirked to myself.

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