Chapter 26

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P.O.V Lucy
As the carriage turned the corner, a lard house came into view. Sebastian parked the carriage near the house. Ciel help me get out of the carriage. We went into the house as Sebastian got our bags. The house was huge inside. There was a long stair way leading to the second floor.

"Your badges are in your rooms." Sebastian informed us.

"Thank you." I said.

"You should get some rest. I'll call you down for dinner." Sebastian ignored my thanks.

"Alright." Ciel held on to my hand and started to lead me up the stairs.

"I suggest by yourselves." Sebastian added.

"Fine." Ciel rolled his eyes. "I'll see you at dinner."

He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and went up stairs.

"I guess that's my cue to leave." I turned to go up stairs.

"Wait Lucy." Sebastian said. I stopped and faced him.

"Yes?" I asked a little worried. He checked if Ciel was listening. Then turned back to me.

"Promise me what ever happens tonight you will protect the young master at any cost." he sounded uneasy.

"But you're going to be there." I wasn't use why he was acting like this.

"I know, just please promise me." his eyes softened.

"I promise." I made a X with my finger over my heart.

"Good." Sebastian said and went back to his normal self. "Now I must go and prepare dinner."

He headed for the kitchen.

"That was strange." I thought. I shrugged and went up the stairs to my room.


"CIEL!!"  I screamed. I felt something sticky.

My eyes shot open. I looked out side. The sun was about to set. I was breathing hard. Suddenly there was a knock on the bedroom door. It made me jump.

"Lucy dinner is ready." Sebastian announced.

"Alright, I'll be right down." I said. I heard his foot steps going down the stairs. I got up and fixed my dress.

"It was just a dream." I tried calmed myself down. I went downstairs where Ciel was waiting for me.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Ciel asked.

"Yes." I lied. Sebastian set a plate of his wonderful food in front of us. We eat in silence. My thoughts were somewhere else.

"Your outfit should be on your bed when you go back to your room." Ciel said, breaking the silence. I nodded. I was half listening. I was to worried what the dream met.

After dinner, I went back up stairs. As soon as I got in my room I spotted the outfit on my bed, just like Ciel had said. It was a plain dirty ripped up the bottom red dress, old black children's shoes, a muddy brown coat and a thin wiry scarf. I quickly changed into it.  I checked the mirror.

"Fun." I thought. I left my room as I closed the door behind me, Ciel also came out of his room.

"You look nice." Ciel smirked. He had a white shirt with a brown tie on, over it was a brown vest, a plain eye patch and a green-ish brown hat.

"You don't look that bad yourself." I said.

"Time to go." Sebastian came up. Ciel and I nodded. We followed him down to the carriage and got in. We rode back into London. It was growing darker.

"You remember the plan right?" Ciel asked.

"Yes." I said. Sebastian stopped the carriage. He helped us out. A gust of cold air blow past us. I crossed my arms and rubbed them.

"Cold?" Ciel asked.

"Well, someone had the idea to wear thin cloths." I raised an eyebrow at him. He chuckled.

"As soon as this job is over I promise we'll cuddle in front of the fire place when we get back." he said.

"You better remember." I smiled.

"Of course I'll remember." he said. He hugged me. "It's time. Ready?"

"I was born ready." I said.

"That's my girl." Ciel kissed my forehead. Suddenly we heard music, we followed it. Sebastian was right behind us.

"Weird, why is the pipe not effecting us?" I wondered. Ciel and I were totally under control of ourselves. As we walked towards an alley way the music became closer. A strange feeling deep in my stomach said something bad was going to happening. I looked over at Ciel. He smiled.

"It's okay." I repeated to myself and started to count.

1,we grew closer.
2, we entered the alley.
3, a hand grabbed us.

"The fight had began."

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