Chapter 3

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P.O.V Lucy

I woke up in a large bed with curtains around the top. I sat up and looked around the room. Wow. Was the only word that came to mind. I spotted my suit cases in a corner of the room. I heard a knock on the bedroom's door.

"C-come in." I said.

"Good morning M'lady." a woman said with accent. She came in to the room. She had purple-ish red hair, a maid dress and a pair of glasses on.

"Y-you too." I replied.

"I brought you the outfit the master what's you to wear." she placed a dress and a pair of shoes on the dresser next to the bed.

"Where am I?" I wondered very confused.

"You're in the Phantomhive's manor." she answered proudly.

"The what?" I thought.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Mey-Rin." she smiled at me.

"I'm Lucy." I smiled back at her.

"MEY-RIN!" a male voice shouted.

"C-coming!" she shouted back.

"When you're done changing the master would like to see you in his office." she turned and left. I got out of bed. I slipped in to the dress. It was a maid's dress. It come to about my knees. I looked in the mirror.

"Why a maid's dress?" I thought.

"What kind of person is this master?" the thought send shivers down my back. I put my shoes on then opened the door and slipped out.

"Um... Where's the office." I looked up down the long hall.

"Yes, sir." I heard a childish voice. A teen boy run out of a room. I caught the tall wooden door before it closed.

"Excused me." I said softly as I knocked on the door. Two faces turn and looked at me.

"Come in." a boy my age said calmly. He was sitting behind a big wooden desk. I walked in. The boy had navy blue hair, blue ear picerings, a blue eye and the other eye was covered with a black eye patch.

"What's that for?" I wondered to myself.

"What's your name?" the boy asked.

"Lucy." I answered.

"Do you have a last name?" he asked.

"Lucy Moxxin." I thought, but I kept that to myself.

"Yes, but I like being called Lucy." I smirked.

"Well Lucy, I'm Ciel Phantomhive and this is my butler Sebastian Michaelis." Ciel pointed to the man next to him. He was tall, had raven hair and blood red eyes. He seems so calm, but there's something off about him. I starred at him for awhile. Then I turned back to Ciel.

"Mr. Phantomhive-" Ciel put his hand out for me to stop talking.

"Call me Ciel." he corrected me. I noticed Sebastian give Ciel an questioning look then turned his attention back on me.

"Right Ciel, why did you bring me to your manor?" I wondered.

"You were being chased by three men and Sebastian saved you."Ciel explained.

"How do you...?" I starred at the butler with wide eyes.

"I'm one hell of a butler." Sebastian respond.

"That's a weird thing to say." I tried to thing what that meant.

"Thank you. I'm in your debt." I curtsied. He nodded.

"I should be going now." I headed towards the door.

"Why?" Cielo titled his head.

"I need to find a place to stay and get a job to sport me." I explained.

"You're hired." Ciel smirked.

"What do you mean sir, I mean Ciel." I corrected myself. I noticed Sebastian whisper something in Ciel's ear. Ciel just gestured him away from his face. Sebastian frowned.

"Do I have to repeat myself. Ugh. fine I said you're hired. I see you have the maid dress already and you can repay your debt to my butler." Ciel said like he just solved the mystery.

"But-" I was going to refuse.

"That's all." he gestured me to leave. Mey-Rin was called in and she lead me to the servants corders.

"Hired?" I couldn't wrap my head around what had happened back in Ciel's office.

P.O.V Ciel

"My Lord are you sure you're doing the right thing?" Sebastian asked me.

"I'm postive." I answered licking my lips.

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