Chapter 7

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P.O.V Lucy

I was out in the gardens helping Finny.

"Um... Lucy here you go." Finny said blushing and handed me a daisy.

"Awe, thank you." I smelled the flower and gave him a hug.

P.O.V Ciel

There was to much paper work. I was distracted by the thought of Lucy. I couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Ugh," I though and got up out of my seat.I looked out the big window that looked out on the gardens.

"So this is what it's like to be a de-" I was pulled out of my thoughts when I spotted Finny handing Lucy a flower. Then she hugged him. Something started to boil inside of me.

"Mey-Rin!" I shouted.

"Y-yes master?" she answered.

"Tell Lucy I need to speak to her." I ordered strictly.

"Y-yes." she run of to gardens.

P.O.V Lucy

"Lucy!" I pulled away from Finny and turned to see Mey-Rin running my way.

"What is it?" I asked worried.

"The master needs to speak with you." she spitted out in one breath.

"I wonder why?" I thought. I looked up at the window that looked into Ciel's office. He was standing by it, but when he saw me looking up at him, he turned and walked back to his desk.

"Was he watching me?" I wondered as I made my way up to his office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ciel said.

"Ciel, you wanted me?" I asked.

"Yes." he answered .

"May I ask why?" I asked. He thought for a moment.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?" he asked with out answering my question.

"Yes, that would be lovely." I smiled.

"That's all." he gestured to the door. I started to head for the door.

"Wear a nice dress." he added. I nodded then hurried out of the office.


It was almost time for dinner and I couldn't find any nice dresses to wear.

"Ugh, I forgot to pack those dresses my mom wanted me to." I stopped looking through my suit cases. My room was a mess.

"Well, I should start cleaning up." I started to clean my room. When I was done I went up to the bathrooms to take a bath. I stopped the hot water and got in.

"Nice." I went under the water. When I got out there was a pretty dress and pair of shoes waiting for me. I dried myself then put on the dress.

"Wow!" I looked in the mirror. The dress was pretty. It was blue-ish green with lacy everywhere and buttons up the torso. I put on my sapphire chocker and combed my wet hair. I cheeked the clock. I gasped and run out of the bathroom. I was almost to the dinning room when I bumped in to Finny.

"Sorry, Lucy." Finny blushed.

"No it's my fault." I said helping him up.

"You look nice." Finny brushed himself off.

"Thank you." I said.

"Where are you going?" Finny wondered.

"Ciel- I mean the master invited me to dinner." I explained. Finny frowned and nodded.

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