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P.O.V Sebastian

My master and I were walking back to our carriage when a girl with black hair was being chased by three men.

"I want her."

"Master did you say something?" I asked him.

"Sebastian help her." Ciel ordered ignoring me. I pictured her. "

She's just a merle human."

"But-" I was going to refuse.

"I order you." Ciel rudy interrupted me. I smirked.

"Yes my Lord." I bowed and took off to help the girl at lighting speed.


I found the girl in an alley way. The three men cornered her. She backed into a brick wall. One of the men was saying something to her, but she didn't respond. The man lift his hand ready to strike her. I was just going to watch, but I remembered my mastered's orders. I jumped off of the roof and caught the man's hand that was inches from the girl's face.

"That's no way to treat a lady." I said calmly. I smirked at the man's terrified face. I heard the girl breathing hard then I noticed she collapsed out of my corner of my eye.

"I'll deal with her later, but for now," I used my free hand to twisted the man's arm. The two other man began to run for it. I pulled three knives out of the cuff of my sleeves. I throw two of them with the flick of the wrist at the men that was about to turn the corner. It got them in the straight in the back. I closed my eyes and smiled. I heard a shaky breathing. I stopped smiling and opened my eyes. I see the man with the twisted arm crawling on ground truing to get away. I looked at my lasted knife in a hand. I throw it was his back.

"Done." I fixed my tuxedo coat. I pulled out my pocket watch.

"One hour till dinner um..." I frowned down at it then putted it away. I looked up, turned and pick up the girl. I jumped high onto the roof. I run with her in my arms back to my master. I was about to stop, because I sensed something strong. I looked down at the girl.

"I see why Ciel wants her." I continued to run.

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