Chapter 17

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The guards in white suits opened the double wooden doors.

"Thank you." the Queen glided in. I nodded thanks. They bowed and closed the doors. The room was lovely. There was flowers around the primer of the room in the walls, it was a light color, a picture of the Queen sitting in a chair and the King standing next to her hung in the wall. They looked beautiful. A bricked fire place, also there was a glass table and matching chairs. "Please sit down."

I folded my dress underneath my bum as I sat down. A butler placed a tea set on the table. Then disappeared somewhere. I rubbed my arms. Suddenly there was fire in the fire place. It made me jump a little.

"Why did the Queen bring me here?" I thought. "Maybe she's mad, because I knocked her down?"

"Would you like two cubs of sugar or milk love?" the Queen asked sweetly.

"Um... sugar please." I held my tea cup out. She plopped two cubs in.

"What were you doing out in the pouring rain child?"

"Um..." i thought for a moment. How do I explain to her that I just ran away from a boy demon that wanted my soul, but ending up felling in love with me?

"Are you running from something or someone?" she asked. I looked into her eyes surprised.

"H-how did you know?"

"You could call it a lucky guess." she took a sip of tea. "You know your eyes remind me of your mother and father."

"You know my parents?!" I said even more surprised.

"Yes, I do Miss Lucy Moxxin."

My mouth hung open.


"I am the Queen of England."

She had a point.

"Now that I know you are a live, you Miss Moxxin have inherited a large amount of money."

"Me? No you got the wrong person." I didn't know what to think.

"Of course not. You have the face of your mother and the same great poster as your father. Plus you have the two difference eye's color that have been past down children by children through the and the only Moxxin family."

I touched my face.

"You have no where to go right?" the Queen asked out of the blue.

"Yes." I answered.

"Splendid, would you like to come to the Christmas ball with me as my guess of honor?" she smiled. I cleared my head of my thoughts.

"Yes, I would be honored too." I smiled back.

"Lovely, you can life with me a little while and I'll teach you how act like proper lady."

"Um... my Queen?"

"Yes, my dear?"

"Can I see my parents first?"

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