Chapter 8

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P.O.V Lucy

I went through out my day trying to avoid Ciel.

"Lucy are you alright?" Mey-Rin asked. She snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm fine." I answered.

"Lucy can you bring up the young master's tea?" Sebastian asked.

"Can't you do it." I know it would be awakened if Ciel and I were in the same room.

"I will." he took the tray. When he left everyone turned towards me.

"What was that?" Baldly asked.

"I don't know." I was as surprised as everyone else.

P.O.V Sebastian

the thought of Lucy made me lick my lips. I opened the young master's office door.

"Your tea my young master." I handed him the tea cup with the chip in it. He really seems to love that cup.

"Where's is she? She usually serves me." Ciel sipped on his tea.

"Who?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, you know ever well who I'm talking about." Ciel snapped.

"Lucy, she wanted me to serve you today." I explain.

"Oh?" he stopped drinking. He put the cup down. He pulled out a pen and small piece of paper. He quickly wrote something down.

"Here give this to Lucy and don't look at it. That's an other." he headed me the paper.

"Yes, my Lord." I bowed then went back to the kitchen.

P.O.V Lucy

We got back to work. Sebastian came back in. He had a hungry look in his eyes.

"Sebastian are you hungry?" I asked. I gestured to some food that was on the counter.

P.O.V Sebastian

"You have no idea." I thought.

P.O.V Lucy

"No, I'm good." he waved his hand.

"I come here to give this to you." Sebastian handed me a small piece of paper.

Meet me at the spot I kissed you.- Ciel

Well I know I had to face him some time, so why not now. I crumpled the note up and throw it away.

"What did it say?" Finny asked.

"I got to go." I walked out the back door to the gardens. I went to the bench where Ciel and I was last night. He was waiting for me.

"You've been avoiding me." was the first thing that popped out of Ciel'd mouth.

"So you've noticed." was all I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because..." I thought for a moment.

"I'm a maid and your a noble." I explained.

"I'm Ciel Phantimehive I don't care what the rules say." he said proudly. I gave him a weak smile.

"I don'-" he cut me off by smashing his lips on mine. I kissed back. His lips still felt cold. He pulled away.

"Will you be mine?" he asked.

"Should I?" I thought about how I felt when we are around each other and when we kiss.

"I can be one hell of a boyfriend." he chuckled.

"Yes." I smiled and hugged him.

P.O.V Ciel

I could smell it. It was getting much stronger. I could take it right now at this very moment, but I didn't.

"Let's see where this goes." I hugged Lucy back.

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