Chapter 6

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The sun shown through the currents.

"Time to get to work." I thought as I stretched. I put my maid dress on.

"Lucy, Lucy."

I waked over to my drawer where the noise was coming form. I pulled out my sapphire choker.


I went over to a mirror that was hanging on the wall. I felt like I was possessed. As I was putting on the choker I saw what look like a manor being swallowed by flames. . I stumbled back on my bed. My breath become heavy and my eyes were wide with fear.

"Lucy you okay?" I looked at the door way. Finny was standing there.

"Uh... I-I'm fine." I closed my eyes to think about what I just saw. My eyes opened when I felt Finny's head in mine. He helped me up.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Um... your welcome." he blushed. There was awkward silences for a couple of minutes.

"The master wants his tea." Finny finally broke the silence.

"I thought Sebastian did that?" I tried to recall.

"Yeah, but he's out right now." he replied.

"Tell the master I'll be right up." I said. Finny nodded. He turned to go tell Ciel. I brushed the wrinkles out of my dress and straightened my black hair that was in a bun. Some strands fell out.

"Oh well." before I leaved I looked at the mirror on the wall, but all I saw was my reflection. My hand touched the choker.

"Um..." I frowned something felt wrong. I went to the kitchen.

"Here you go." Mey-Rin handed me a tray with tea and cookies.

"Thanks." I headed off to deliver it.

Knock Knock
"Come in." I opened the door.

"Your tea, Ciel." I placed the tray down on the desk and handed him a cup.

"Thank you." he simply said looking up from his paper work and took the cup, but on accident it dropped on to the floor. The tea spilled everywhere. I went down on my knees to clean it up.

"I'm s-sorry Ciel." I apologized. He watched as I cleaned up.

"Um... i-it's chipped." I let out a dry laugh. I showed him the cup.

"It's just a cup." he responded carelessly. I smiled.

"Phew, he doesn't care." I poured him a new cup of tea and this time I suggest fully naked it with out a spill of tea. I put the broken cup back on the tray. I looked at him for a moment. Until he noticed I was looking at him.

"Where did you get that choker?" he gestured to my choker with his hand that had was silver and had a big sapphire. My hand automatically touched my sapphire them looked back up at him.

"My mother gave it to me." the words sipped out of my mouth before I know what I had just said.

"The one you're been sending letters to?" Ciel asked.

"How did he know I was sending letters to my mother?" I thought.

"Because I know everything that happens in my manor." he answered like he was reading my mind again.

"The letters are to my parents, yes, but the woman who gave this to me was my birth mother." I said.

"What happened to your birth parents?" he asked interested in me.

"They died in a fire." I answered looking at him. The manor in the mirror come to mind.

"Hum..." Ciel thought what next to say or ask.

"Not to pry, but what about you parents if you don't mind me asking." I thought. I saw sadness in his beautiful blue eye.

"They died in a fire and that's how I got this." he held out his hand that had the sapphire ring that I noticed before.

"That's why he asked about my choker." I finally understood.

"I'm sorry Ciel." I felt sad for him.

"It's not your fault." he bit into a cookie. Talking about parents made me sad. I miss my parents. I was about to ask if I could visit them.

"What's the story behind those eyes?" he sipped his tea. I blinked my half brown, half blue eyes.

"I think the creators couldn't decide which eye color of my parents to give me so they choses both." when I finished my theory I heard Ciel chuckle.

"He's cute when he's having a good time."  the cute thought come to mind.

"How about that patch?" I chuckled. He suddenly stopped.

"Another time Lucy maybe." he said plainly. I took it was time to go back to the others. I nodded and went back.

P.O.V Ciel

Sebastian come back from whatever he was doing. Started to clean my office. He was organizing the cups on the tray when he noticed the one that Lucy chipped.

"Lord I'lol throw this away." he picked up the cup.

"No, it's alright." I said not wanting him to get rid of it. Took the cup in my hands and studied it. Sebastian gave me a questioning look.

"What, it just a cup!" I said annoyed. He went back to cleaning.

"Just a cup." I looked at the chip.

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