Chapter 12

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Ciel and I have been dating for almost a month. Everyone in the manor knows, but we don't let our relationship interfere with work. We keep it on the low side when Elizabeth is here.

"Uhh... no Ciel, I have to get back to cleaning." I moaned as Ciel kissed me down my neck. His hands were on my hips.

"Five more minutes." he continued to leave wet kisses.

"Ugh!" I turned around and kissed him. He snaked his arms around my waist and closed the gap between us. I giggled.

"What?" he stopped, with a confused look.

"Nothing." I shook my head. We went back to kissing. It turned into a make out session.  Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I gasped.

"Young mater?" it was Sebastian. We fixed each other and stood up straight.

"What is it?" Ciel sighed.

"Can I talk to you?" Sebastian made it sound serious.

"Ugh, fine." Ciel gesture for me to go. I obeyed and hurried out of the library.

"I wonder what they're going to talk about?" I thought.

P.O.V Ciel

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked annoyed.

"It's about Lucy." Sebastian said. My heart raced.

"What about her?" I tried to remain calm.

"You can't love her." he said.

"Why not, I'm Ciel Phantomhive, I can do what ever I want!" I raised my voice.

"No you can't."

I gave him a questioning look. He stared back.

"Dammit." I thought.

"Why can't I love her?" I asked.

"It's eat her soul or nothing. We can not fall in love." Sebastian said setting the rulers. "Didn't  you just want her to be here so you could eat her soul? Can't you smell it, it would taste delicious."

"Yes it does and it gets stronger." we both look at each. Our eyes flash red as we licked our lips. "But I won't let that part of me take over me. I love her, Lucy."

"Just as stubborn as ever." Sebastian faced palmed.

"Ugh, I order you to get back to work."

"Yes, my Lord." Sebastian bowed and left. I licked my lips again. I was really hungry. Why did Sebastian have to remind me.

P.O.V Lucy

"My soul?" I clenched my chest.

"Yes, my Lord." Sebastian said. I took my ear off the door. I panicked, then hid in the room across from the library. I kept the door opened a jar. He came out smirking. What was he planing? His eyes flesh red. He continues on his way.  When he was out of sight I came out. I looked down the hall and back up. I bumped it to someone. I was about to scream.

"It's just me." I sighed in relief to see Ciel's face. "Now where were we?"

He backed me up to the wall, pinned my hands over my head and gave me a deep kiss. I stared into his eye. What, did it just glow red?

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