Chapter 24

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It's been a week, since I left the Queen's castle. It's great to be back at the Phantomhive manor. Ciel and I are as happy as can be.

"Lucy." Ciel said.

"Ciel." I replied. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Good morning." he whispered in my ear. We stayed there for a few minutes.

"You must be used to dressing me by now." Ciel said. Every time I dressed him I would always blush.

"But of course my master." I winked, causing Ciel to blush a little. He was so cute when he acted shy. I finally finished dressing him.

"Alright, it's my turn to dress you." Ciel grabbed a dress out of my side of the closet.

"You can't even dress yourself, so what makes you so sure you can dress me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I can do it." he started to undress me.

"I think you're better at undressing me." I said playfully.

"Shut it and let me dress you." he said.

"I wonder how long this is going to take?" I thought.

"Ugh, stupid buttons." he groaned as he tried to button up the buttons in the back. I held my hair up with one hand and with the free one I cover my mouth from laughing. He did the cutest things sometimes. "Finally."

He backed away from me to admire his work. I looked in the mirror.

"You did pretty good." I was impressed. He picked a white and blue dress that was simple, but elegant with small white buttons down the back.  Everything was in place. I posed. Ciel chuckled. He took my hand and twirled me around. I kissed him.

"Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome, just don't ask me to apply your makeup." he laughed. I laughed along with him.

We went down stairs for breakfast.

"Good morning Lucy, young master." everyone greeted us.

"Good morning to you too." I said. Ciel and I sat across from each other. We chatted and ate.

"Today, I'm free." Ciel said relieved.

"That's great. We can do something fun." I smiled.

"Fun?" Ciel smirked.

"Not that way, Ciel." I rolled my eyes.

"I know that." he chuckled.

"Excuse me young master, but you do have one thing scheduled." Sebastian said.

"And what is that?" Ciel asked.

"A dance lesson."

"Ugh!" Ciel groaned.

After breakfast, Ciel had his dance lesson. I stayed to watch.

"One, two, three!" the teacher clapped her hands. Ciel crossed his feet and almost fell. It was like he had two left feet.

"He was great at the ball, what happened?" I wondered. This time Ciel fell.

"Take two." she sighed annoyed. I thought hard, what could help Ciel?

"I know what the problem is." I had a good idea. I stood up and held my hand out for Ciel. He looked at it wondering what I was planning. He shrugged and took it. I pulled him up. I placed one of his hands on my waistline and held the other.

"W-what are yo-" he stuttered.

"Trust me." I whispered in his ear. He nodded and took a beep breath.

"Two minutes are up. Now, once more." the teacher took her place in front of the piano and played. We started to move. Ciel watched his feet. I lifted his chin up.

"Focus on my eyes." I said. He did. We glided gracefully around the floor. He spun me around and then dipped me. The piano ended. The teacher clapped.

"It looks like my work here is done." she packed up her things. "You are very lucky to have such a good dancer with you Mr. Phantomhive."

Sebastian showed the woman out.

"Good job young master." he said.

"I couldn't have done it with out Lucy." Ciel looked lovingly at me. I blushed. We sat down for tea.

"There are letters for the both of you." Sebastian set down a tray that had two letters on it. We both grabbed one. They were white and had a red seal on the back. We open them.

Dear Lucy, Dear Ciel,

There has been a horrible event happening. Little boys and girls are being murdered on the streets of London. Please get to the bottom of this and bring who ever is doing this to justice.

Good luck.

Queen Victoria

Ciel and I looked up from the letters and exchanged looks.

"Sebastian really the carriage. We're going to London."

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