Chapter 21

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"Announcing Queen Victoria." the announcer announced. Everyone bowed. The Queen walked down the long gold stair case to her throne. As she sat down they song the pledge. When the pledge was over everyone stood back up.

"My turn." I thought was I made my way to the top of the staircase.

"The guest of honor, Lucy Moxxin."

"Alright smile." I thought. I held my dress up with one hand, the other I placed on the railing and gracefully walked down to join the Queen.

"The Moxxin?"

"I thought they all died when their manor caught on fire?"

"How be we know she's not just an imposter?"

"She has the Moxxin signature sapphire choker."

I heard the crowd break into whispers. I straightened my posture and held my head high. The Queen stood, a hush went over the crowd.

"Let the Christmas ball began." she said. Everyone clapped. The orchestra started playing and the ballroom was full of life again. From where the Queen was siting was the perfect view of the dance floor. Above it was a diamond chandelier, twinkling lights were hung around the ballroom, the room sparked gold, silver and there were all sorts of different colored dresses.

"It's lovely." I said under my breath. I was mesmerized by it all.

"Go and have some fun, Lucy." the Queen gestured to the party in front of her. I nodded and disappeared into the crowd. As I made my way to the buffet I spotted a teenage around my age with short-ish platinum blonde hair, pale skin, looked about 5'5" and icy blue eyes.

"The Earl to Trancy is going to be there." I remembered my hand maid say. I stared at him for a moment. She was right, he was indeed handsome. He had a creamed colored outfit on. He must have felt me looking at him, because he looked straight back at me. I quickly pretended that I dropped something. When I looked back up, his head was turned away from me. I sighed and continued my way towards the buffet.

"Hello, Miss Lucy would you like to face with me?" a man stepped in front of me.


"No, she would rather dance with me." another man stepped in front of the first man. I peaked past them, Alois was still there.

"No, thank you." I slipped past them. I was getting closer to the buffet. Suddenly a group of men blocked my view. "Excuse me."

"Please dance with me." they all said at once. There was too many of them. I pushed and shoved my way through them. I know it wasn't very lady like, but I had to meet Alois Trancy. Finally I got past the sea of men and to the buffet. I fixed my hair and brushed off my dress.

"Ugh!" Alois was no where to be seen. He must have ran off somewhere. I glanced back at the group of men. I didn't want to go back through that again. I decided to get a drink. I got a glass cup and reached for the ladle, but my dress restrained me for grabbing it.

"All I want is a drink and I can't even get that." I groaned.

"There you go Miss Moxxin." a familiar voice said. I couldn't put my finger on it. My cup felt heavy. The person had filled it for me.

"Thank you-" I looked up, but then quickly cover my eyes with my hand trying not to make eye contact.

"Ciel. Ciel Phantomhive." he said. His outfit was the same royal blue as my dress. I set my cup down. He took my hand and place a cold kiss on it.

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