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"Tora-o, Why have you been following (Y/N)?"

" Mind your own business." Law spats glaring. "Keep to your godly duties Mugiwara-ya."

"I am doing my godly duties, I am her guardian angel." Luffy answers smugly, lacing his fingers behind his head.

"Tsk, go away."

"No, I will not let you make a contract with her."

"Mugiwara-ya, What I do is none of your concern."

"It is when you are messing with my human."

"Um.. Excuse me but can I reach around you? I need the rice there." You ask politely to the two bickering. You are at the grocery store picking up a few things you needed to restock. After waiting a bit the two men bickering and seeing that they were not finishing up anytime soon and you wanting to leave, forcing you to interrupt them.

The two look at you like they were caught sneaking cookies from a cookie jar. The one wearing a red tank top, jeans cut-off below the knee and sandals, with dark hair and dark eyes, a big smile with s straw hat peeking from his back was the first to recover.

"Yes, anything for you (Y/N)." He slides away from the shelf.

The one in the fluffy spotted hat, yellow tee and black spotted blue jeans. Smirking he picks up the bag of rice you need and hands it to you.

"How do you know my name?" Ignoring the rice, looking at the one with the straw hat in confusion.

"Sorry but we have classes together at the university." He quickly adds rubbing the back of his neck laughing.

"Oh, Do you?" You ask. "I guess you do look a bit familiar."

"Yeah, It's good to see you outside of class. I am Luffy by the way." He holds out his hand for you to shake.

"Thanks." You look over at the man holding the rice, you

reach for the rice he was holding out. "And who are you?"

"I'm Law." Law sets the rice in your hand. "It's really great to meet you."

"Right." You set the rice in your basket. "Well it's nice to meet you two." You smile, and start for the registers.

"Wait." Law quickly says stopping you, You turn back to the two of them. "Can I get your number so we can hang out sometime?"

"You want my number on purpose?" You say shocked.

"I do, yes." Luffy smiles.

"Shut up, I asked, you don't need it." Law hisses at Luffy.

"Sure it would be nice to have someone to hangout with." You pull out your phone and hand it to Luffy, he is closer to you.

After exchanging numbers you leave the store and make your way home.

"Oi! (Y/N)" You turn around and Luffy smacks into you, nearly knocking you over. "(Y/N), Can I walk you home?"

"Don't be stupid she would rather me walk her home." Law walks up to you pulling Luffy off you. "You're too childish to keep anyone safe."

"Tora-o, Shut it I have been protecting her for her whole life it's you who she should be staying away from." Luffy snaps, glaring at Law.

"See stupid why did you say that now she thinks you're a stalker." Law laughs. "She doesn't need a stalker to keep after her."

"I am not a stocker, and you know that. I am better suited to walk her home because I won't take her soul." Luffy snaps back.

The two bickering, you decide to just go ahead and walk home. Taking a quick look over your shoulder you run smack into a wall or maybe a person. Backing up and looking at the person who you smacked into. This one had an open white button up showing his very muscled chest, black cargo style pants and an orange cowboy-ish hat over wavy black hair.

"I am so sorry." You squeak.

"No it's alright, you were distracted by those two brainless fools."

"Oh, do you know them?"

"Sadly I do."

"Then do you know why they are fighting over who walks me home?"

"Well I would guess it's because you're so beautiful." You feel your face heat up.

"Errr, Thanks I guess."

Ace quickly gets close to you and wraps an arm around your waist and gently raises your chin with the other hand. "You don't believe me do you."

"Ace let her go." Another person showing up pulling Ace away from you. He has a blue suit with a white button up with a few top buttons undone under a blue vest. "Sorry my dear he can be handsy. I am Sabo it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)"

"No, it's fine." You sigh, this day is getting weirder by the minute. You spend most of your days longing for someone to talk to, But being really awkward you thus far have not been able to be-friend anyone, outside of class. Now you can not seem to shake off people who want to walk you home. "I must get home, it's getting late."

"Allow me to accompany you." Ace bows slightly, holding his hand out for you to hold.

"Don't be stupid she can't walk home with the likes of you. She is better off walking alone." Sabo smacks the back of Ace's head. Causing Ace to shout out.

"Ow! Sabo, why did you do that?" Ace glared at Sabo, rubbing the spot Sabo hit with his hand.

How do these people know my name and why do they keep fighting to walk me home? Taking this opening again the two distracted with fighting each other you quickly walk away. But sadly this couple were not completely distracted. Ace holds out his arm stopping you.

"Not so fast, pretty lady." Ace smirks, stopping his bickering with Sabo. "We-"

"Sorry but what is really going on? First Those two show up and fight for my attention." You gesture to the two that finally stop and walk back to you, not without shoving each other on the way. "And now you two. No one talks to me, I have spent most of my time in this city alone. Why is this happening? I am nobody." You choke on the last words trying to keep your composure. The four of them look at you in surprise.

"You're not a nobody." Luffy smiles at you. "I have seen you grow into a wonderful woman. You're absolutely wonderful. You have a kind heart, and beautiful." Luffy finishes blushing slightly.

"You sound like a stalker." Law laughs.

"Law don't be stupid you know he is her guardian angel." Sabo snaps, Eyes ging wide when he realizes his slip-up.

"Sorry what?" You snap, This is all getting more confusing and weird.

"Sorry." Sabo sighs. "Maybe we should head to your house and talk about this. Luffy was not supposed to- Well let's go talk."

"Let's get some food." Ace says happily, swinging his arm over your shoulder and starting to walk.

"No, You are weirdos, I don't want you to know where I live." Stepping away from Ace.

"We all know where you live." The four of them snap.

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