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You wake up to Luffy hovering over you. Reaching out to cup his face in your hand, you smile at him. "Luffy, I missed you."

"You and Law have been gone for two days, we figured it was his turn." The way he said that broke your heart, hot tears rolled from your eyes.

"Luffy, Even though I am connected to the others. You, Luffy, will always be the one I will keep close. The arms I run to at the end of the day. I know it hurts you and I am truly sorry, I wish it was just you, it would make this all easier. But fate decided to have me connect with the others. For lack of a better word, you're my favorite." The last part makes Luffy chuckle.

Luffy wipes your tears away and lowers himself to kiss you. You snake your arms to lace your fingers in his hair. Luffy lifts up so he can get the blanket off you, his lips returning to yours quickly. His hand drifted down your side to your thigh.


You and Luffy hold each other after, sadly your moment of aftermath bliss was cut short when your phone goes off. Luffy reaches over to get it for you.

"I guess your power is good for being lazy." You joke, taking your phone. Looking at the screen while Luffy cuddles into your chest. "Vivi says. They will be at the beach later this afternoon. They want to have a barbecue later too."

"Make sure we bring a lot of meat then." Just then you hear Luffy's stomach grumble.

"Let's go get you some breakfast." You laugh. "Lots of meat."

Luffy excitedly jumps out of bed dressed, his clothes still becoming white, Grabbing your hand throwing you over his shoulder he runs out of the room. The two of you, laughing. You pass Thatch who was at the table drinking something, Luffy finally setting you down next to the dining table. You touch the table and a pile of cooked meats show up, Luffy smiling sits and digs in.

"What can I get you, Thatch?" You ask.

"How about eggs benedict with potato tots." He smiles.

"Oh, but try it like this." you hand him the plate with eggs benedict but instead of ham its a crab cake, and potato tots. You want the same without the potato tots. Taking a seat next to Luffy.

"What is that?" He asked, pointing at the crab cake.

"Right, sorry, it's a crab cake. I had an eggs benedict like that and it's amazing. If you don't like it, I can swap it for ham for you."

"Let me taste it then." Thatch takes a bite, a contented sigh leaves his lips. "Wow that is good."

"Was that (Y/N) I heard?" Sabo remarks, entering the dining area with Marco and Ace behind him. "It's good to see you. It is not the same here without you." Sabo pats your shoulder while taking the chair next to you."

"What are you eating?" Ace says getting way too close to Thatches plate.

"Eggs Benedict with a crab cake. Now go away." He pushes Ace away.

"It looks good, did you make more?" Ace asks, plopping down in a chair.

"You want some too?" You ask Ace. "Do you want anything with it?"

"Yes but with fries."

You hand a plate to Ace when it shows up. Ace looks at it weirdly before taking it.

"What does it look like, that?" Ace asks sitting the plat in front of him just staring at it.

"Oh I figured you would like it better so I made it with Ghost paper in the sauce. Do you want me to fix it the way ours is?" You ask nervously.

"You added Ghost pepper for me?" He looks up at you with a smile. "Thanks." With that he digs in.

"Do you want anything Marco?" You look over at Marco.

"The same as you and Thatch but with pineapple on the side." You hand him a plate with his food on it. "Thank you (Y/N)-yoi." He smiles while taking it.

Now a really grumpy looking Law enters the dining area.

"What would you like to eat?" You ask him.

He looks at what Thatch was eating, then back at you. "I'll take that without bread." He points at your plate. You hand him a bowl with rice topped with a crabcake, egg and hollandaise sauce on top. Taking it he starts eating.

"How are you feeling?" You ask temidly.


"Do you think you will get some sort of power tomorrow?" You ask.

"Maybe, as long as it's not like a stretchy boy over there." He gestures to Luffy.

"I'm sure it will be something fitting your morbid personality-yoi." Marco deadpanned, Making the table choked with suppressed laughter, except Law who shot a glare at Marco.

"Vivi said that we can meet them at the beach later this afternoon, they want to end the day with a barbecue." You say quickly changing the subject.

After Breakfast you and Luffy went back to your room, You were still feeling tired. So you cuddle up to Luffy and take a nap.

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