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"You want to kiss me on purpose?"

"I do, yes." Luffy closes the gap pressing his lips to yours. He pushes your shoulder for you to lay on your back and he climbs on top of you, without breaking the kiss. His kiss is sweet yet there is a hint of passion in it, your arms wrapping around him lacing your fingers in his messy hair. He pulls back looking at you for a moment then his lips kiss along your jaw to your ear.

"Let me know if you want me to stop anytime." He whispers, kissing your neck then pulling back. "Ok?"

"Ok." His lips find yours after you answer. He slowly moves one hand down your side finding the end of your tank. He raises your top, his hand grazing your skin as he gets higher up. The two of you break the kiss to remove the top completely. Luffy smiles at you before kissing you again, then moving again across your jaw down to your breast taking a nipple in his mouth causing you to gasp. While his mouth works that breast his hand works with the other, pinching the nipple quickly causes you to moan. Luffy leans back to look at you again, you reach up and grab his shirt to help him out of it.

He helps you remove it and your hands slowly slide down his chest delicately scraping your nails, causing him to groan, stopping at his pants. Taking your nails you softly trace around the top of his pants to his back and pull him back to you. As the two of you kiss Luffy slides his hands to your shorts and under wear and starts to remove them, you raise your hips to make it easier for him. He breaks the kiss so he can remove them completely for you. He looks down at you giving you a small smile.

"Your so beautiful (Y/N)"

"Thank you, Luffy." You reach up, sliding your hands slowly down his chest and grabbing the waistband of his pants and tugs them down. Luffy standing up off the bed to remove them completely, keeping his eyes on you. He climbs up back on the bead kneeling down and slides his hands up your legs crawling between them, making his way up to kiss you again. While one hand tenderly rubs back and forth on your thigh. He pulls back from the kiss looking you in the eyes.

"Are you ok to keep going?"

"I am yes."

He lines up and slides into you, causing you to moan. He slowly moves a bit faster with each trust, hitting that spot causing you to say his name. He bends down to kiss you, breaking it he kisses along your jaw, again hitting that spot causing you to moan.

"I love those noises you make." He whispers before kissing you again.

He feels so good.

Soon the two of you finish and Luffy sets his forehead against yours, the two of you catching your breath. He then lifts up, and smiles at you, you smile back.

"You're so beautiful." He pulls out and lays next to you pulling you close to him, you lay your head on his shoulder. While he wrapped his arms around you, after he pulled the blanket up over the two of you.

The two of you drift off to sleep.

The next morning, a repeat of the day before, the door bangs open but this time it's Ace. Luffy is behind you, his arms wrapped around you, you look at Ace. You are mad once again getting startled awake by a crazy demon. Luffy sleepy rises up to look at Ace too.

"Thatch just finished bre-." Ace stops looking at you up and down and an annoyed look quickly shows up on his face. "WHY ARE YOU NAKED (Y/N)! DID YOU TWO HAVE SEX?" Those words cause everyone else to run to your room to look.

"It's nice to keep this between us huh Luffy." You say sarcastically, making Luffy laugh.

"What do you want?" You ask darkly.

"Did you two have sex?" Ace asked again.

"What. do. You. Want. Ace. Why. Did. You. Come. Barging. In?" You emphasize each word angrily.

"Breakfast is ready." Ace mumbles.

"Thank you, Ace. Well be out in a bit please close the door behind you."

Ace leaves slamming the door instead of closing it normally. You sigh rolling to lay on your back..

"Can I wake up normally for once while you all are here?"

"Nope." Luffy leans over and kisses you, climbing on top of you.

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