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"SHANKS!" Luffy shouts running to Shanks, nearly plowing him over.

"Luffy, What are you doing? You are supposed to be invisible to humans." Shanks looks away from Luffy at the group surrounding you. "And why are you with a couple of demons?"

"I had to show myself Law wanted to make a contract with (Y/N) so I had to stop him and she accidentally saw us. And I did not want Law to be with her." Luffy looks down shily.

"That explains you and Law. But why is Sabo and Ace here?"

"Sabo went to check on me because I showed myself to (Y/N). And I am not sure about Ace, I think the fight between me and Law drew him here."

"Oh, now how did the Nephalem wake up?" Shanks' eyes landed on you.

"We believe the presents of the four of us and her outburst on Law." Sabo answered.

"Outburst on Law? What happened?" Shanks asked, looking now at Law, But Ace is the one that answers.

"He couldn't find Luffy this morning and barged into (Y/N)'s room. Thinking that Luffy and (Y/N) had sex. I think he was jealous because Luffy got some and he didn't" Ace laughed.

"You had sex with a Nephalem?" Shanks looked at Luffy.

"No we did not." You snap. "Luffy just sleeps in the same bed as me, no sex."

Shanks looks at each Luffy, Sabo, Ace, Law and back to you, and bursts out laughing.

"You all like her don't you?" Shanks laughs. "Angels and demons wanting the same girl. This is new." He stops laughing and places his hand gently on your chin tilting your head up to look at him. "I have to admit she is really beautiful."

You can feel your face heat up, pulling away. "You all need to stop." You attempt to walk away, but Shanks grabs your wrist.

"Wait a moment, beautiful." Shanks smiles at you when you look up to him. "Have you decided to join us angels?"

"No, for now I am not joining anyone." You pull your wrist away from Shanks and walk away.

"Make sure to stay safe then, there will be more attempts to have you join a side." Shanks shouts out to you. Turning back to the four men. "Keep an eye on that one and try not to fight over her to much."

You feel the presents of the four behind you as you keep walking to the cafe to meet Vivi.

"Are we getting food now?" Luffy asks, falling into step next to you.

"We are Luffy." You smile, pulling the cafe door open.

"(Y/N) over here." Vivi waves, she is at a booth but it seems she is not alone, next to her is a pretty girl with long orange hair and a pink tank top.

"Hi Vivi, Sorry I had to bring these." You sigh, sliding into the booth after Luffy, Law sitting next to you, Ace going over to sit next to Vivi and Sabo grabbing a chair sitting at the end of the table.

"No, it's fine." She smiles at Ace. "Oh this is Nami."

"Hello." Nami waves.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N). This is Luffy, Law, Sabo, And Ace." You gesture to each as you say their name.

"How long have you been enrolled here?" Vivi asks.

"Just today" Ace smiles, the others nodding in agreement.

"Oh" Vivi says

"What major are you all here for?" Nami asks.

"Biological Science." Law States blakely.

"Nutritional Anthropology." Luffy says.

"Biochemistry." Sabo says

"Chemestory." Ace says.

You have to admire them, the classes you have are a requirement for their 'degrees' as well.

"Nutritional Anthropology." You say.

"Meteorology" Nami smiles.

"Undecided, I'm just taking general ed classes." Vivi shrugs.

"What can I get for you all?" A waitress interrupts.

After ordering, the boys ordered an ungodly amount of food, surprising both Vivi and Nami, all of you fell into conversation. You were actually enjoying yourself, Though Vivi kept flirting with Ace who was not interested but enjoyed the attention and Nami kept Looking at Law and sending flirtatious comments toward him and occasionally Luffy but stopped when she saw Luffy lay his head on your shoulder after he finished his food. After they finished and all paid, headed to your place for the notes Vivi needed. But when you got to your place two men stood at your door apparently just knocking on the door and bickering, stopping when the group stopped near them.

The Nephalem(ReaderXLuffyXSaboXMarcoXThatchXAceXLaw)Where stories live. Discover now