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The next morning you wake up with Luffy's arms around you, feeling his warmth on your back. Turning over to face him you see a completely different Luffy than you fell asleep to. Last night he had black messy hair and today he has White hair that looks like clouds.

"LUFFY!" You yell louder than you thought because the next second everyone was in your room(except the humans). Luffy startling awake, his eye color now red. "Are you ok Luffy?"

"I am fine, why?" Luffy asks, sitting up, looking around at the shocked faces of his house mates.

"Look." You grab his hand and attempt to pull him to the mirror on the door. Hearing a gasp of surprises you turn. Luffy's arm was stretched out, him on the bed and his hand in yours. Panicking you let it go and his arm snaps back to normal. Ace then walks up to luffy grabbing his foot and pulls it, stretching his leg.

"It's like you're made of rubber." Ace says as he lets go of Luffy's foot it snaps back to normal.

"These are the side effects of the last two days." Sabo says quietly.

"What are we going to do? Do you think humans will see his change? Or can you change back to normal?" You let out worriedly. "I'm so sorry Luffy."

"Try changing back-yoi." Marco asks.

Luffy tried even going so far that he made a pained expression, but nothing was happening.

"Oh Luffy, I am so sorry." You say sadly.

"Don't worry (Y/N), other than the change in hair, my stretchiness and the inability to wear anything other than white. I am fine." Luffy gets up hugging you.

"Do you think all of us will become stretchy if it happens to us?" Thatch asks.

"Maybe the ability is unique to each of us." Law says hopefully.

They hear voices coming down the stairs, which snaps everybody back to reality.

"Let's go make some breakfast." Thatch disappears. You grab Luffy's hand going to the kitchen too, appearing next to Thatch.

"Can you make some sort of meat?" Luffy lets out sitting on a stool draping himself onto the counter.

"Meat?" You set your hands on the counter across from Luffy, the counter top covered with cooked chickens, Ribs and other assortment of meats. "What just happened? Was that me or you Luffy?"

Luffy looks up wide eyed at the spread of meat on the counter. "No, we can't do that."

You hold out your hand. "Law's favorite food." In your hand appears a tray with onigiri and grilled fish. You look from Luffy to Thatch.

"Well it looks like we never need to cook again." Thatch laughs, as the rest come into the kitchen.

"Law, I made you breakfast." You mumble still in shock, holding the try out to him.

"How did you know these are my favorites?" Law asks to grab the tray.

"Lucky guess." You laugh nervously. "Um, how about we eat outside? Vivi, Nami, Rebecca, is that ok with you?"

"That's fine." Nami answers.

"Great Thatch and I will bring the food in a minute." With that everyone except you, Law, Thatch, and Luffy left the kitchen to head outside.

"What is going on?" Law asks, looking at you.

"Apparently I can cook food really fast." You nervously state.

"She said 'Law's favorite food' and it showed up in her hands." Luffy said, surprising you that it was understandable with his mouth full.

"You can create food?" Law said in awe.

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