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Nearly a month has passed, you have finals next week and now you are choosing your classes for the next term. The boys decided not to take classes anymore saying that they were boring. Luffy on the other hand wants to keep taking classes with you. You allowed them to make it like he was in the same level as you since he has been at all your classes since the start. So he is letting me pick their schedule, Him wanting to keep taking classes with you. At the moment you were making your way to the head of the Environmental Science department, Charlotte Katakuri, Because you got an email from him to meet. You were nervous, you had yet to meet him personally but you have seen him. He is a tall man, when you saw him part of his face was covered with a scarf, but he was quite intimidating looking.

Finally making it to his office you take a breath and knock on the door.

A deep voice came from the other side. "Enter." You open the door and one looks at Katakuri.

"Merlin, how are you an angel?" Your eyes widen. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Please close the door, and take a seat."

You quickly do as he said.

"Your (L/N), (Y/N) correct?"


"And you are a Nephalem?"


"I asked you here to talk about a class, it's new to the school and we wanted to give a select group of students to try it out first. Your GPA being high, you were picked. Your angel will be able to take it if you choose to take the class."

"Sounds great, but what is the class exactly?"

Katakuri then proceeds to explain the class to you, by the end you like the whole concept of the class.

"Any questions?"

"No, the class sounds great, when will it start?"

"Next trem."

"I may need to move some classes depending on the times but I do want to take it." You smile, excited about the class.

"What classes are you planning to take next term?"

"I have a few I am going over but not quite sure yet." You dig in your bag to get the classes and schedules, you highlight the classes you were planning on taking, you hand it to Katakuri. Taking it he looks over it.

"It looks like you would be able to take all these if you like. They are on days that the new class will be on. Most of them are Tuesday through Thursday. We were planning on having it on Mondays." He hands the paper back to you. "I will help you set up your classes right now if you have time."

"That would be great, thank you."

With Katakuri's help you get your schedule set up ready for Luffy to copy. You even managed to get your classes condensed into three days.

"Thank you so much for the help." You smile, placing your paper copy of your new schedule in your bag, standing up. Hoping he would stay at his desk while you exit, no he gets up walking next to you. He holds out his hand to shake.

"You're welcome, I look forward to seeing you in class." You take his hand. No, no, no, you have been doing so well.

"Wait, you're teaching it?"

"I am yes." He pulls you closer to him. "Rosinante was right when he told us about you."

"What do you mean?" You look into his eyes.

"You have a pull to you. Is there any chance I can see you in your Nephalem form?"

"Ok." His closeness is starting to get to you, but you transform.

"Beautiful." He whispers. And then it happens, he touches your cheek.

Katakuri holds you close for a while after. You melt into his hug.

"I'm sorry, I knew about your pull but I did not listen to the warning." He whispers into your ear.

"It is alright, I got pulled to you too."

After Katakuri helped you get your clothes back on you said your goodbyes and headed home. You met Luffy halfway there.

"Luffy, I thought you were home." You smile seeing him.

"I was just seeing how your meeting went." Luffy turning and falling into step next to you.

"There is a new class starting next term and Mr. Katakuri wanted to see if I would like to join. After hearing about it, it seems like a fun class."

"Do you think I will be able to take it?" Luffy asks.

"Yes, I have made my schedule so you can take it to sign up for the same classes. He said you're allowed to take the new class too."

"Can we set up my schedule now?"

"Good idea, before they get filled."

The two of you go to get his schedule set up, he managed to be placed into all your classes. After the two of you make your way back to your place.

"Vivi, Hello."

"Oh (Y/N), Have you seen Namis sisters webpage?" Vivi asked, pulling out her phone.

" When did it go online?" You ask.

"Just about a week ago. Did you get Nami's text with the link?" She says looking through her phone.

"Yes, but I have not had the chance to look. Have you seen it?"

"I have." She hands you her phone with the sight pulled up. "You look fantastic in all the photos, she ended up using a lot of yours. But don't worry, they used ones where our face is not seen or only a little of our face can be seen."

With Luffy looking over your shoulder, you flip through the sight. The main screen page has a picture of your back with your wings spread out, you had black lace booty shorts on. You heard Luffy gasp when he saw it. In the gallery you see more of you, Vivi, and Nami, They all look great.

"You and Nami look beautiful." You hand her back her phone.

"Thank you that sweet of you." She pocketed her phone. "Those wings on you though, the photoshop on it was amazing, they look real. Reiju really knows her stuff."

"She does, doesn't she."

"According to Nami, the people scheduling appointments with her are booked out for months and they opened just a few days after the site launched."

"Wow how exciting."

"I know right." Vivi smiled. "Are you two doing anything? Do you want to go get a bite to eat, there is a new place near here that just opened. The guy you meet at the party Sanji works there. Nami and Rebecca are going too."

"Food, yes." Luffy laughs.

"You can see if the others want to come since Nami and Rebecca are going. The more the merrier." Vivi smiles.

"Yes I will see if they can." You pull out your phone and message everyone. After a moment everyone accepts. "Looks like everyone will be there."

While they ate Marco, told them that he will be picking up the new house keys next week and they will be able to move that Friday. Vivi and Rebecca offered to help but we turned them down, having the ability to just use the abilities of them they can move in less than an afternoon.

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