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You flip through your clothes trying to figure out what to wear, after you messaged Vivi telling her we will be a bit late because something came up. You decide on a super cute dress that you don't have a chance to wear much, a black bondage type dress with a circle skirt. It does show off quite a bit of your torso but it being summer it will be comfortable. Grabbing some cute black undergarments you head to the bathroom. The brief moment you're in the hall you can hear bickering coming from the living room. Your wings and horns finally go away after a nice hot shower. Climbing out, you get dressed and style your hair. Finish you go to your room to get your shoes on. Now you head to the living room to see if the others are done. Only to be stopped by Mihawk.

"Oh, Hi."

"The other demons are going to stay with you, I think the angels are too." He steps closer to you, placing a hand on your cheek. "I heard what you and Thatch did." You feel your face heat up. "If you want to try that again I would be happy to assist."

"Did he tell you he got scared?" you asked, trying to stay calm, these demons really get to you.

"The price you pay for fun." He winks and disappears.

Taking a breath to control yourself, you continue to the living room. Hearing you they all turn to you. You notice Garp is still there.

"Hello missy, These angels are going to keep staying with you for the time being just to make sure the demons don't start anything." Garp glares at the demons mentioned. "Have a good night and be careful."

With that Garp vanishes. You then turn to the others, all still looking at you.

"Change." Ace stands up and grabs your wrist to pull you to your room.

"No." You pull your arm from him. "Why should I?"

"You look way too sexy, it's already hard enough when you're wearing normal clothes. But we don't want our group to get bigger." Ace snaps.

"He is right." Law shutters. "You look way too good, you can't go in public looking like that."

"Stop, let's just go." You snap.

"No, you need to change." Ace says angrily.

"How about no, but how about this." You lean into Ace and whisper in his ear so no one else can hear. The others watch as Ace's face turns red and a goofy grin blooms on his face.

"Deal." He smiles. "Let's go." He grabs your wrist again pulling you to the front door.

Your group arrives at the party, loud music can be heard before the house could be seen. When you get to the door someone opens it and lets you in. Looking around, someone calls your name.

"(Y/N) YOU MADE IT." Vivi shouted, squeezing her way to you. "WE ARE OVER HERE." She grabs your hand and pulls you to follow her. You grab hold of Luffy's hand before being dragged by Vivi. The others follow.

You end up in a basement where there is a circle of people. Kid and Killer wave when they see you. There is an angel there too much to your confusion.

"ZORO!" Luffy shouts tackling the green haired angel.

"Luffy?" He gasps. "What are you doing here?" Zoro looks at the group that came in with Luffy.

"We can explain later." Luffy laughs. "How have you been?" Luffy takes a seat next to Zoro.

You sit between Kid and a very pretty man, with long black hair, while the others take seats in various spots.

"Wow, Your group got bigger." Nami jokes.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N), Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Marco, Thatch, and Law." Vivi introduces your group to hers.

"Then we have, Zoro, Nami, Kid, Killer, Sanji, Usop, Franky, Robin, Chopper, Izo, Buggy, and Bon-clay." Vivi looks around spotting Shanks coming down the stairs. "Oh, and Shanks."

"Found these."Shanks says happily holding up four bottles of liquor. His eyes zero in on you. "Ah (Y/N) it's good to see you." He winks taking a seat next to Luffy.

In no time the drinks flow, you feel drunk and you start hitting on Izo. Izo flirting back, eventually you somehow end up on his lap. When you reach for another drink you nearly fall, this causes you and Izo to fall into a fit of giggles, and somehow you end up straddling him. Realizing how close your faces are stops both of you giggling, you look down at his lips and the two of you close the gap kissing fiercely. You then feel a hand on your shoulder and pull away from the kiss to see who it is. There stood Ace.

"Come on (Y/N) it's time to go home." He pulls you away from Izo.

"But he is so pretty." You wine, but allow Ace to pull you away. Standing you sway a bit. "Can you carry me?" You smile up at Ace.

"Sure." He picks you up bridal style.

"Bye my pretty Izo." You giggle.

"Bye." Izo waves.

Ace walks you up stairs and finds a bathroom the two of you go in and Ace takes the two of you home landing in the living room.

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