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Rosinate lowers you back to standing. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him. The two of you stood there for a bit just hugging, it felt nice. Rosinate is someone that made you feel safe and him holding you like this is bliss. Slowly Rosinate pulls back to look at you, you looking up to him.

"You are making it hard to not fall in love with you, be careful you are in a house full of people who are falling for you." Rosinate sighs.

"Thank you, Rosinate, I'll remember that." You give him a small smile.

"I will see you later, have a good night." He gives you a peck on the lips and disappears.

Looking down you see that Rosinate dressed you back in the clothes you had on. You leave the room to go find something to eat. You get to the dining room to find them starting to sit at the dining table, Thatch looks up and sees you.

"Ahh, just in time."

"How was your chat?" Ace smirks.

"It was nice." You sit between Luffy and Sabo.

"And what did you talk about?" Ace asks.

"He was just making sure I was doing alright with all this craziness going on." You pick up your fork to start to eat.

"I'm sure he was making sure you're alright." Ace says sarcastically.

"Leave her alone Ace-yoi." Marco snaps.

"Fine, fine. Just curious." Ace shrugs, starting to eat.

The meal went on chatting about the day and of course bickering. After you finish you put your plate in the sink and head to your room for your phone, headphones, and shoes. Coming back to the dining area.

"I am going for a bit of a walk. I'll be back in a bit." You head to the door.

"Can I go?" Luffy asks.

"Sorry Luffy, I just need 10 minutes by myself." You give him a hug. "Next time you can join."

"Call if you need anything." Luffy says.

You step outside the sun setting, the day cooling down a bit. Putting your headphones in you set off to the park. Walking the path at the park you find a bench overlooking a pond and a great view of the sunset. Sitting down, you realize that this is the first time you were not surrounded by the six new guests in your house. Sure it's been nearly a week, but you went from spending most of your time alone, now you can't get a moment alone. So lost in your thoughts you didn't realize that someone sat next to you, only noticing when they brushed against you. Startled you look over.

"Mihawk, Hi"

"Hello, beautiful." He glances over at you. "What brings you out tonight?"

"I needed to get away from them for a bit, I'm not used to so many people competing for my affection."

"Well I don't blame them, you are a beauty."

"Thank you, But in the words of Rosinate, I seem to be a magnet."

"That is a good analogy."

"Yes but you all are magnets too."

"How so?"

"Everytime one of you gets too close it's like I can't control myself."

"Care to elaborate?"

You turn your head to look at him, your eyes locking on his, this lighting made his yellow eyes almost look like amber in the sunlight. "If you come any closer, there will be property damage."

He stands up and you follow him with your eyes. He turns to you, holding out his hand to you. Hesitantly you place your hand in his. He pulls you up, stepping close to you he places his other hand on your hip. "You think we should leave?"

So captivated by his closeness you nod. He presses his lips to yours, and you melt into it. The kiss getting more aggressive you feel him bite down on your lip, the metallic taste of blood blossoms in your mouth. He pulls away, his lips red with your blood. You notice the change in lighting he must have brought us somewhere.

"You look more beautiful bleeding like that." His tongue licked the blood off his lips.

"Where are we?" You ask, your eyes glued to his lips.

"A place I am ok with distorting." He smirks.

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