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The next morning you wake up to kisses being peppered all over your face, laughing you open your eyes to see Luffy hovering over you with a big grin.

"Good morning, pretty lady." Luffy says his smile somehow gets bigger.

"Luffy, Morning." You laugh.

"You have the best laugh." Luffy again peppers your face with kisses making you laugh more.

"Luffy." You laugh as he raises back up.

"I just wanted to see you smile." Luffy grins.

"You are the best Luffy." You smile, lifting your arms to weave your fingers in his hair.

Luffy lowers himself until his lips just ghost across yours. "I love you so much." He whispers before closing the tiny gap between his and your lips. Moving he kisses across your jaw down to your breast taking a nipple in his mouth causing you to gasp. While his mouth works that breast his hand works with the other, pinching the nipple quickly causes you to moan. Then switching his mouth and hand to the other.

Luffy leans back to look at you again, your hands slide down his chest delicately scraping your nails, causing him to groan. He leans back down, capturing your lips with his. One of his hands trails down your side stopping on your thigh, tenderly rubs back and forth. He pulls back from the kiss looking you in the eyes.He lines himself up at your entrance and slides in, watching you arch your back and moan in pleasure.

"What am I going to do, school starts tomorrow, what will happen when I get that pull again?" You ask Luffy while you make tiny circles on his chest with your finger tips. Your head resting on his shoulder while he twirls your hair through his fingers and the other hand resting on your hip.

"Who is left?"

"Sabo, Thatch and Marco." You sigh.

"So about a week and a half. If it keeps the pattern where it hits Monday and Thursday night, Waking up Sunday and Thursday. You won't miss Monday classes."

"What about Tuesday and Wednesday?"

"I have classes with you so I can let them know something came up, and get extra copies of the class work. The first week is just what to expect in the class anyway so you won't miss much that first week."

"I guess you're right, thank you. Do you want some food?"

"I do but I don't want to let you go." Luffy sighs.

"Let's just have breakfast here." You lift up to look at Luffy. "Come on, sit up, lean on the headboard."

Luffy sits up scooting back to the head board, you crawl next to him. A lap table appears with all Luffy's and your favorites. The two of you spent the day in bed. Cuddling, talking, snacking, watching a film on your laptop, and occasionally some love making. Overall when you went to sleep that night all you can think is that it was the best day yet.

The next day you and Luffy make your way down to breakfast following Ace down the stairs.

"Ace." You call. "When did you get that?"

"What?" He looks over his shoulder at you, flashing another tattoo on his arm.

"You have a tattoo, a dark purple skull with a white mustache over purple cross bones. And one on your arm, your name spelled wrong A-S-C-E with the S crossed out."

"What?" Ace looks at one arm then the other seeing the miss spelled tattoo. He rubs it like it would come off only to catch his hand on fire startling all three of you. Gasping he waved his hand and it went out.

"Oh that must be your abilities." You say. "Fire."

"Cool." Ace snaps his finger creating a flame and snapping again putting it out. "Sucks about the tattoo though."

"Who has a tattoo?" You hear Thatch ask when the three of you enter the dining room.

"Ace has his name spelled on arm." You laugh.

"A-S-C-E" Thatch spells out seeing Ace's arm. "How did that even happen?" He laughs.

"Keep laughing, I'll burn you to bits." Ace threatened lighting his hand on fire.

At breakfast Law told all of you what ability he gained, it did confuse you. Then he went into a story about how he removed someone's heart, the person still being alive, he then proceeds to tell you all how he let the person watch as he squished it. Which made you sick. The rest of the day was great, you and Luffy having class together made the day go by fast,even with having three classes. The class that Katakuri was teaching sounded even more better as he went over the syllabus. The other two classes are not as much. Heading out of class with Luffy, he surprised you by pulling you into a supply closet. Before you knew it had lifted your legs, and was already inside you before you could do or say anything.

"Try to keep the noise down." Luffy whispered, hitting a spot that caused you to let out a gasp.

"That's easter said than donnnne." You bite your lip to try to stifle the moan.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to feel you before-" Luffy whispered as he lowered you back to the floor.

"Luffy, don't be sorry for that. Especially when I always enjoy my time with you." You look into his eyes.

"You really are the best." Luffy smiles. "We better go before your pull starts to become painful."

Back in your room, Luffy pulls you into one more long hug, before letting you go to Sabo. "I will miss you."

"I'll miss you too." You touch his cheek and leave the room to find Sabo. You walk up to Sabo's door, and knock.

"Sabo." You call.

"(Y/N), what is it?" Sabo's voice came from beside you, looking there he stood at the top of the stairs walking to you. "Are you alright?"

"Sabo." You walk to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, your lips finding his. After the initial shock, Sabo relaxed and snaked his arms around your waist. You make the two of you appear in Sabo's room. Slowly pulling back to look at Sabo.

"Are you alright?" Sabo asks.

"I just need you, Sabo." You murmur, guiding him to the bed pushing him down and crawling on top of him. Having already removed his and your clothes, you position your entrances over his member and lower yourself. The two of you groan in pleasure. His hands trailing up your arms, gently he pulls you to him where his lips find yours.

Sabo moves his hands to your thighs, gripping them he flips the two of you over.

Soon Sabo gose to pull out, but you tighten your legs to prevent him from moving. Surprised he looks at you.

"What is it?" He said searching your face.

"No, Sabo, I'm not ready to stop." You let out softly.

"If it's what you want we can keep going."

Nodding you pull him into a kiss.

Soon the two of you finished and you lay there with Sabo, his arms around you and his head on your chest as if he was listening to your heart beat.

"Can you stay?" Sabo whispers. "I mean I know you always like to be with Luffy. I just would like to be with you for the night. If you are ok with it?"

"I like to be with all of you." You say. "If you want me to stay I will, I care about you too."

"But Luffy is different." Sabo says. "I'm not saying that you treat us differently, you are just a little closer to Luffy. But it makes since the two of you have a different connection than the rest of us."

You stay quiet and the two of you drift off to sleep.

You wake up to a knock on the door, Sabo behind you his arms wrapped around your waist.

"Yes?" You call, feeling Sabo shift.

The door opens and there stands Luffy. "Luffy came here." You say happily, raising up. Luffy gets close and bends over to give you a peck on the forehead but you pull him in and have him kiss your lips instead. You feel Sabo starting to get up but you quickly grab his hand to stop him. Turning to him you then kiss him.

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